I've actually been making some progress on the car. Of course, I didn't have a digital camera to document anything (and no, I don't have a camera phone) so I didn't see a lot of point in updating.
I finished up all the welding on the RHF inner fender. It was a disaster area and the repairs are not pretty, but they're effective. I weld like a gorilla. After finishing that up, I had to take a hiatus... the next day Valentine got spayed (05/14), and we had a horrible week thereafter. In fact, three days after the surgery I was convinced she wouldn't make it through the night. So, the car sat unattended (and unprimed in the repair area) for a week. Valentine lost about 5lbs during that week... significant on a 34lb pup. She's fine now, but enormously clingy of late... so that's hampered my progress too. I feel guilty being gone all day, then coming home and leaving her alone again for several hours.
I did get out and shoot some of Magnet Paints' excellent
Chassis Saver on the inner, roundabout May 22nd. It was a rush job, and there were a lot of runs and sags. I did not attempt to sand them out; the stuff is enormously tough and it's an inner fender so I just left it. Of course I regret that a little now, but it's too late to change it. Here's where I learned a valuable lesson regarding Chassis Saver that I'm sure applies to POR-15 as well: if you think your spray gun is clean, it's
not. The stuff is pervasive, so clean it again. Seriously. Yesterday I threw out a spray gun after soaking it in
Kleen-Strip's amazing Naked Gun Spray-Gun Kleener for several days, to no avail. If that stuff can't clear the gun, nothing can. Luckily, it was a cheap-ass siphon-feed touch-up gun, so I'm only down about $40.
On the subject of yesterday: I got out there again for a couple of hours, and shot the very-first actual color on the car, again in the inner fender. Though it will be covered in undercoating, I wanted to get the practice with the paint so I know how to shoot it when the exterior gets color. It's
U-Tech Polybase (Chrysler Inferno Red, code WEL), and it laid down great. Very user-friendly stuff with great coverage (I did not use Polybase Plus, which covers even better). I realize it's a small area but I got no tiger stripes or mottling, nor did I get runs or sags. That's why I now regret not sanding out the Chassis Saver, because it looks like I did!
For the record, I
love the
color (click for a picture of it) and am very happy I decided to abandon the GM WA382E Pewter I originally planned to use. I'm still doing a two-tone with metallic black on the hood, fender tops, and forward half of the roof.
I haven't chosen the final clear yet (and I didn't have time to load the gun again anyhow) so I used
U-Pol Clear #1 after 3 layers of basecoat. Good stuff that's well worth the price, but it
is a little tricky... it will leave white "whiskers" in overspray areas.
Oh, and I got a new digital camera, so pics
are forthcoming. I'm still learning the camera and will go out and get some shots of the "final" product, meaning this is as good as it's gonna get before undercoating. :shifty:
As expected, seeing the color actually on the car is inspirational and will hopefully motivate me to work on it more... if Valentine will let me!