Well, the 360 only has a beefier bottom end if the 318 is using an iron crank. Obviously, I've already got good heads but other than that, I've got no goodies for a 360 other than a machined block. I've already got a steel crank for a 318/340, so the 360 is out. I'll likely use the 340, but then I've already got two so why not? They're both sleeved so they're not infinitely flippable like a virgin block. I may as well use one of 'em for this.
Part of the reason I started at 9:1 is because I don't want to try and push 20PSI through the thing, for the exact reason you mention: the heads. I've only got 10 head bolts per side, so I'm thinking if I limit myself to 12-15PSI I won't have to O-ring the block and heads, run copper gaskets, etc. I should be able to get away with head studs and MLS gaskets at that boost level. There are people running higher static CR (over 10:1) that seem to make 'em live at that level with nothing more than that. Also, I want the engine to be relatively efficient when not in the boost, and higher compression = higher efficiency. With MPFI, an overdrive transmission, and a 2.94:1 gear, it should positively sip fuel in normal driving with the puny camshaft. If EFI Ed can get more than 17MPG (highway) in a 4000lb B-body with 492 cubic inches, a gnarly .550"-lift cam, 3.33 gears, and a Richmond 6-speed, I'm thinking 20-22MPG would be a cakewalk for this combo. Unlike Ed's car, it'll idle like a stock 340... only more quietly. [smilie=i:
You'd mentioned exhaust previously; this is one place where the F/M/J cars shine: big holes for large down tubes since there are no torsion bars in the way. :dance: The plan is 3" downtubes into an X-pipe (they tell me this is totally unnecessary because after the turbos there will be no exhaust pulses, but flow is flow to me and I already have the parts), neck down to 2½", high-flow but quiet mufflers (probably Dynomax 17748s) and 2½" tailpipes with turndowns at the back, barely showing below the bumper. Since the cops have been real strict lately about converters, I'll probably order a pair of frozenboost.com's excellent simulated converters just in case they want to peek under the car. :toot: Even with the Dynomax Turbo mufflers, it should be very quiet. The exhaust is one thing that hasn't changed since the turbo engine was slated for the now-gone Imperial. I will also use quiet blow-off valves, since I hate noise, I [I]really[/I] hate the sound of a BOV, and I don't want anyone to know what hit them.
One really-nice thing about all this landing in the LeBaron is it's simplified everything. I have a ton more room since there's no PS pump or brake booster, and I don't even have to think about AC since the LB is a non-AC car. I planned to convert the Imperial to manual brakes, but I was hell-bent on keeping every other option. The LB should also be at least 500lbs lighter being shorter wheelbase, some of the planned changes (if I can ever get those God-forsaken front-bumper brackets off!), and having virtually no power options except a trunk release which weighs about 8oz. more than a standard one, including switch and wiring.