What are you working on?

I'm hatin' it for ya Rusty. I have to do the same thing in our bathroom and I just haven't been able to find the ambition to open that can of worms!
This was the only way I'd be doing it now, was really trying to get away with the regrout.:( just been a run a nasties with not a lot of good stuff to balance it out.Just before this water heater went, then my pipe to the storm drain for my sump pump clogged, still have to dig that up, waiting for cooler weather. The one piece of semi good news was my wife forgot to post a decent deposite, I was sittin here wondering how i could work my ass off all summer & have no reserve for the winter slow season, then i get a notice my health insurance is going up 300 F-in hundred a month. :dgt: At least I have a few jobs lined up so there's some hope for a decent year. :helpme:
Hows the new job going, hope it works out well for ya, Rich.
I'm hatin' it for ya Rusty. I have to do the same thing in our bathroom and I just haven't been able to find the ambition to open that can of worms!

Yeah I have one I need to do as well. I have to replace the tub too, ours has a crack. I have most of the stuff to do it, I'm mainly lacking the ambition :D I think I'll get around to it this winter, maybe...
I mentioned before that I pulled the head off of Tina's Tracker. It's J-U-N-K- SHIT!!!! 2 bad pistons! not good!

tinas engine 1 re.jpgtinas engine 2 re.jpg
Have you talked to her yet about this? That thing is crusher fodder now... way too expensive to fix. Tonight may not be good, though. She's a little cranky.
I haven't yet. I will wait untill she is in a better mood. Thanks for the heads up. I sure don't want to pile more on her with this news.
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I also finally got the correct tail shaft seal for the '51 Buick I've been working on. I got it most of the way back together today. If you have never seen a trunion ball drive shaft set up, here you go.

buick parts 1 re.jpgbuick u joint re.jpgbuick 1 st shim re.jpgbuick 1 st ball and 2nd shim re.jpgbuick drive ball re.jpgbuick 3rd ball and plate re.jpgbuick boot re.jpgbuick drive tube re.jpg
Been tinkering with the winter bike.
Cut down an old luggage rack from a 70's era Honda and coated it with bedliner. I'm pretty pleased with this, it was cheap. :D


New aluminum handle bars, heated grips and hand guards. This is a loose mock-up as I'm waiting for my bar risers to arrive.
I also made custom wind deflectors for the guards, more on that later.

Helping 69 with cutting up the Alfa, I ended up going to the E.R. for 15 stitches in my right hand. :D Dude needs to clean his shop! haha
he's workin bear foot and you cut the shit out of your hand? WTF!!! Oh. I have a super week stomach. I didn't need to see that! Here or on FB. :hurl:
Well at least you got a decent amount of stitches...when I sent an exacto knife into my hand the damn ER doc only put in 4 stitches!! Should have been at least 8 to 10.

Here's what mine looked like...



As for the Cirque du Soleil...it was Quidam.
DAMN IT COW!!!!!! :D. You made me look! :hurl:I didnt need to see that either! :D
You guys really have no idea just how week my stomach is. That shit makes my skin crawl and I get light headed. My own blood doesn't bother me at all, but anyone eleses..... I can't even watch T.V. shows that show that shit. I know it's not real but that doesn't change it. I still get all "swimmy headed" when I see it.

