Pastor of Muppets
Well, that ended badly.It's not the material to which I'm listening at the moment, it's what I'm using to do it. I'm breaking in a set of new old stock RCA (Radio Shack) Pro LX550s. They're more than two decades old but have never been out of their boxes until about an hour ago. Based on prior experience (Pro LX5s), the tweeters on these things are amazing. I expect the woofers will need some run-in time before they start to show their true colors.
After about an hour of listening, it seemed the bass on one track just wasn't quite what it should be. I kind of let that go since they were breaking in, but a couple of tracks later I thought, "That's actually worse than it was when I started."
So I popped the grilles, and lo:

Maybe I should've started a thread entitled, "What aren't you listening to right now?" instead.

Obviously, with no airtight seal between the front and rear of the speaker, they're not gonna output much. Foam surrounds have always been a double-edged sword: They perform exceptionally well, but they don't last. Being stored in the factory plastic wrap since new doesn't help. So I've got two NOS woofers that need new surrounds.
It's not the end of the world. When I bought these I was just shopping for the Linaeum tweeters they contain, but hey--brand-new speakers? Hell's yes! I'm simply back to what I originally sought, with the advantage that the tweeters are still essentially NOS (they have an hour of run time). That means I'll go forward with my original plan, which is a custom speaker design using the Linaeum design, which is like nothing else I've ever heard.
I did think the whole "NOS surrounds blew out in under an hour" thing was kind of comical, to be honest. It's the known failure mode of the design. I was just hoping to hear what they sounded like 100% stock since I'd already modified the LX5s.