Signet-ficant Other

That's a problem with these mega-threads that popped up around Jass. You know the info's in there but you also know you'll never find it by looking manually.
It is at a friends body shop and it will be finished. Jim is going to paint it as Pierre had planed.
I believe Cometic will make custom gaskets, but I have no idea if that’s where he got them.
Yes. that is true. My hope is to figure out who he got them from and that they might have as record of what he ordered. I do have his laptop. I might be able to find an email with the info from that company or hopefully a file of what he did. I just haven't been able to bring myself to open his laptop.
I think I remember the name of the place where Pierre had the head gaskets made. I think it's 'Flatout Products" and the extremely knowledgeable young lady who answers the phones name is Candy. I plan to give them a call and see if they have any info in their system.

