Signet-ficant Other

get me a close up of the stripes and let me go talk to my guys and see if they can turn something up...worth a shot right?
Taking a picture of the stripe and getting the color to look right isn't easy. I ended up taking several, and with flash was more accurate color-wise than without. However, the flash makes it seem lighter than it really is.

This is the best one, and even then I tweaked the hue a bit in Photoshop. It's still a bit too light because of the flash.


It's blue with a green slant to it. It's not green enough to call teal or aqua. Universal Products had the closest option I've found, but they no longer make it. It's tough to say looking at an online color chart, but my first instinct is their 033 Celestial Blue Metallic, but 056 Teal Blue Metallic is close as well. Neither option seems available anymore.
It's blue with a green slant to it. It's not green enough to call teal or aqua. Universal Products had the closest option I've found, but they no longer make it. It's tough to say looking at an online color chart, but my first instinct is their 033 Celestial Blue Metallic, but 056 Teal Blue Metallic is close as well. Neither option seems available anymore.
Sounds a lot like the color of Coronets.
so something kinda b3? i think thats the tealy b5 right?
I guess that depends on year. B3 is Ice Blue, which is a light blue metallic. Kind of hard to see here, but it's the original color of this wrecked T/A, visible on the firewall:


Like this color blue.... 🤔
Too blue, no tinge of green whatsoever there. I've seen your cars in person; trust me when I say it's not even close.

That looks like B5 to me. You can't judge true colors using digital photos, or film-based photos for that matter.
'Zactly. If we're going to go by Mopar paint colors, I'd say 1968 L (Medium Dark Turquoise) would be the closest, but it's not quite right. My friend's Hemi Road Runner was that color.

ok that gives me a baseline tho to toss at these let me ask this..if YOU had to tweak the 68 medium dark turquoise how would YOU tweak it?..having that color and knowing YOUR tweak of it will give me a baseline to give the guys

like i said these guys are about as close as being able to walk into a paint shop if resto was wroking the counter after retiring from painting....they will HAPPILY waste time digging for the impossible just cause its cool and old school
I did a bunch of different things outside and in the garage today. One of 'em was to melt that lead pocket off the passenger's side quarter-to-roof seam.

Things went from bad to worse. Another hole, and severe pitting and separation at the roof/quarter-panel junction. I really shouldn't be surprised.


Before anyone asks, no: That's not the flap of lead that formed the pocket. That lead is gone. The lead in the picture is stuck to the quarter panel, still part of the factory lead work. What's missing is just a small area of the lead--you can see how thick it is/was if you look at the left edge of it. Those are gouges made while I was scraping the seam clean. I didn't go any further back yet, but I think it's OK to the left, heading toward the back glass.

I had the quarter glass open so I could feel the headliner and the metal behind it right near the corner of the glass. It was getting pretty warm, so I abandoned this job and moved on to other things. I didn't get back to it.
ooooof sure you dont want to swap the roof lol....i have a template still for the front windshield... to do a roof post cut
Not that I want to repeat what I endured with the Challenger, but just finding a donor roof would be a trick. For the 8 billion of these cars they made between 1967-'69, there seem to be relatively few left. Post Darts aren't common, and the Valiants all seem to have gotten used up and thrown away.
ahh shit i forgot its a post car....of course that would make doing a full roof swap at the posts that much easier and solid

correct me if i am remembering wrong but dont the post cars have a taller windshield on the a-bodys? i remember something being extra weird about the A pillars and the trim not being the same length
considering how long its been.....i knew it was something....dumber question but would a 4dr roof work then?..i assume its a good 6 inches too long but i also know the drs use a shorter front door...which would then just put the post in the wrong spot?...but you could use drip rail up right?
The 4-door does use the same roof, as long as it's a Valiant. The Dart roof is significantly different, particularly at the back glass. It's also ~3" longer and lacks the body line present in the Valiant sail panel.

It's a moot point, though, since A) I'm not changing the roof, anb B) I have no idea where I'd find a donor roof. The only Valiants of which I'm aware in any nearby junkyards are either Scamps, '74 and newer (both of which had their corresponding Dart roof), or both.

