Signet-ficant Other

And inre to any previous WI citations from 20 years ago. DOT keeps NO records beyond 5 years, EXCEPT for OWI. That used to be for life, now I think it's 40 years. But all insurances do not go beyond 3 years. So you would start the same as a 16 year old on a graduated license for 2 years. Any violation carries double demerits for the second and subsequent violations.

But you still have to show proof of ID.
This may be completely irrelevant since I live in AL, but I appeared in court for a traffic ticket in 2008 or so. The judge had a laptop and was apparently looking at every ticket I'd ever gotten, and his eyes got big. Before he threw the book at me, I reminded him that I'd been driving since '89, and I think he actually sighed with relief. The point here being that at least in this case, NOTHING had been purged off the computer record.
The point here being that at least in this case, NOTHING had been purged off the computer record.
Which is most-likely the case in every state. For those of you who've been around since the "fucking menace" court appearance, the judge had either my driving record or a copy of "War & Peace" on his desk--it's hard to distinguish the two--and was looking at everything back to '86. Similarly, when I had to get a long-form copy of my driving record for Auto Value in '06, I had to pay additional mailing fees because a stamp clearly wasn't gonna cut it.

However, the case in MI and I believe WI is, though they can still see said transgressions, they're not actually counted against you for licensing purposes after a stated amount of time. Here that's three years for normal traffic violations, and it used to be 7 years for alcohol-related offenses. The latter has since been changed to "eternity" so they never drop from consideration. If you got an open-container ticket back in 1961 and get an OUIL tomorrow, the latter is now automatically a second offense; to hell with the 55 intervening years. That law came into effect ten days prior to my '07 arrest, so rather than it being a first offense, it was a third. Third offense = felony, so here I sit.

Regardless, WI will not give me driving priveleges until my MI situation is resolved, so that's not part of the draw for this new potential place. The draws are its location less than a quarter-mile from my work, a larger already-a-shop heated garage, and plenty of room to keep and conceal my car collection on my own property. A lot more room for the dog to run. Should I get a license, it would mean much lower car insurance (approximately half). With a couple thousand bucks' worth of work, I could dump this place and have a good chunk of change to drop on my principle. Or buy an early Viper GTS. :D

The drawbacks? I fucking hate the mortgage process; it's legalized robbery. I also detest moving, having done so over 30 times since 1989. I'd have considerably less money to blow on cars monthly. Higher heat/electric bills due to a house twice the size atop a sizable monthly payment since I'd want the mortgage as short-term as possible. The new house is far less woman-repellant, since an elderly married couple live there now. Single life means happy life.

This was all just dropped on me yesterday, so there's much to consider.
If the new house not repelling women is a concern for you, I'm sure that you could ask them to leave when a throng of them starts throwing their underwear at you. They're in my yard constantly.. I just turn the hose on 'em.
I've got the name for it. Half the people I've worked with assumed I was a Mexican (?!) prior to meeting me. :doh:
theres only a few things id consider
is the/what is the
shop bigger
cost "tax" wise
heating the shop cost
can you get away with more shit without the city on your ass
can you USE the extra space(inside and out)

in your case id almost put money on the move being worth it...sounds like the lic might not be any easier..but you never just might be
seriously..those are the questions id be and my wife WANT to move..hell i NEED more shop space...but finding something "right",better, and affordable isnt going to be easy....but to be honest we would be happy with a turn of the century barn to convert into a house..out in the woods outside of city limits on 5+acres
As noted in "The abuse continues..." the nature of this particular project has taken a rather dramatic turn. It was fun for about 10 seconds to think about turning the car into a full-blown racer, but as I mentioned in that thread, if it's not street-driveable, it's of little use with the nearest track being 120 miles away. But around these parts, with no traffic jams, few stoplights, and lots of open road "street driven" is a looser definition than it was when I lived in Atlanta.

With that in mind, I made a phone call tonight and talked to Steve at Lunati Cams about the car, and what I'd like to do with it. Told him what I had, and after he recovered from almost swallowing the phone, he agreed that with the low compression, the already-high recommended powerband would probably be even higher with the low compression. Having said that, he asked if I was going to try it anyhow. I told him I'd considered it and asked him if he would. "Oh hell yeah! Run it with that monster in there and see what it'll do, assuming it don't hit the pistons. You've already got it, why not? I'd run the shit outta it at least once at the track." So while I did order a different roller cam from him, we'll give the one that's in there a shot... and try to heed his advice: "Come out hard at around 5,500 and your foot in the rugs, man. It prolly ain't makin' no power at 44 with the low compression."

The cam I ended up ordering will be "a lot of fun" according to him. It's another solid roller, this a custom grind: 254°/262° @ .050", 287°/295° advertised duration. Lift is .621" on both intake and exhaust using the 1.6" rockers ("'Course, you know it ain't gonna be that high with them wacky pushrod angles in a small-block Mopar, but you can tighten the lash if you want"). The powerband is accordingly lower, he figured with my heads 7,300-7,400RPM would be a good shift point on a 7,500RPM redline. Having run stock bottom ends in that area, I'm comfortable with that. What sold me is that he said it'll light up in the low-3-grand range. That'll save on some driveline shock as well as clutch abuse. Still a pretty-serious cam for a small-cube engine, at least in my mind.

"Man, when you call back to order that turbo cam, ask for me. I wanna be involved with that one." :D Well, Steve, let's see what happens with this roller and we'll go from there.
doc...if you get time..toss those big n littles on the valiant just for a photo still chewing on the idea of them
I will once I've replaced the rear tires. The slicks won't fit on the car, and we're probably going to remove and dispose of them tomorrow. They're seriously dry-rotted, which is a shame because they were barely used.

Find anything in the pedal box? Just a friendly reminder...
gunna go pull boxes off the high shelf..units not in the car that much is certain..thankfuly im just looking for boxes labled pedal assys
I dismounted the rears last night after work. I am pleased to report the inner tubs are heavier than the 8.5" wheels! :D :D

No I am not kidding! O.o
He's not kidding. I haven't weighed them, but it certainly seems like the two innertubes from the drag slicks are lighter than one of the Center Lines. :wtf:

Gotta love forged wheels. :dance:
He's not kidding. I haven't weighed them, but it certainly seems like the two innertubes from the drag slicks are Heaver than one of the Center Lines. :wtf:

Gotta love forged wheels. :dance:


