Signet-ficant Other

there is something about white cars and slots they just look RIGHT

Bright shine doesn't look right next to light colors, dark colors, yes, light colors, no. Dull, matte or dark painted look decent against light colors. It's all about contrast to balance the palette.
I've got a friend who runs a transmission shop in Richmond.. He calls that goop "torqueflite mud" He's had customers that have brought him non shifting vehicles, and couldn't afford a total rebuild. He's scooped out the goop, cleaned what he could, filled it and sent them on their way.. They've brought him other cars they own since, but not the ones he's cleaned out.. Torqueflites are great slushboxes.
I've had dozens of Torqueflites and I've never seen anything like that previously. The fact that it was atop the filter and there was none in the pan (or anywhere else) is what's bizarre.

I pissed off one of my co-workers with my brilliant plan for 2.25" dual exhaust split from the factory manifold. His freehand bending of the tailpipes, without the use of any bend cards or functioning angle indicators, came out not only well but pretty close to the factory dual tailpipes' design. I decided on turndowns rather than chrome tips, and the mufflers are El Cheapo Deluxe $24 (retail) turbos. It sounds better than I actually expected, particularly at idle.

I hope this works...

Nope, that's coming off an unmodified stock manifold. The passenger's-side pipe splits off just past the end of the toeboard.
Huh, that do anything for actual performance? Or just make the bitches' panties drop?

I suppose it'd still help a little.. does sound good
Oh, I'm sure it's up from the stock 145HP to at least 147. :D

I wasn't worried about performance, really, and it hasn't yet left the parking lot anyhow. It was more about the look and hopefully sound, and I'm pretty happy with the sound. Up high, it becomes more obvious that it's a six, but in the normal RPM ranges it sounds pretty healthy. :dance:
it hasn't yet left the parking lot anyhow.

I can't remember why you don't/can't drive, and it's immaterial anyway.. I've violated my suspended licenses daily.. I can't own a car and not drive it. Especially one I bought when I was under suspension/hadn't had seat time in. Good on you for being an upstanding citizen, or an illegal immigrant. Either way, I don't care.. If you ask me, my country treats you frenchy types a little harsh, anyway.. it's not like the French are coming in here to take our jobs..
I was not always so upstanding, which is part of the reason I've not been able to drive for so long (over 17.5 years now). Michigan has the most draconian driver's license laws in the U.S., along with the highest insurance by a wide margin.

Also, ironically, I'm not French despite having the most French name in history. 75% English, 25% Italian by genetics, 100% American by birth.
There a bit of a chance I might be even more assimilated. A good customer was in today and offered to sell me his house, which is right down the road from my work. I'd be about 300' inside the Wisconsin border. Didn't have time to stop and look at the place after work, but I hope to Monday. The garage is larger than mine and there's plenty of room for my herd of turtles.
do you rent or own now? If you don't mind me asking.. Just curious. Mostly because after the rigamarole I went through to buy my place, I'd need a damned good reason to consider moving and doing it again.. But my circumstances involved trying to buy it from Fannie Mae, who even though they were selling a house, claimed it was unliveable due to "peeling paint", and asked me for a bid higher than their asking price.. That was just the start of it.. Six contracts and eight months later, I finally got it.. For two thirds their asking price. I was punching way above my weight class on a fresh $60k kitchen, a "garage", and 2,000 square feet on a third of an acre downtown.. Everything but the kitchen needed total redoing, but nothing else in my price range came close to the character this place has. Anyways, somebody on their end needed to get crotch punched hard.
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But would your WI license be valid in MI or would you still be revoked/suspended? Then again if the revocation/suspension period has officially ended, you would be the same as any other out-of-state valid driver. :cool:

On a side note, I hate moving, but many times it's for the better in the long run. Take me as an example. :toot:
I own the house I'm in now, free and clear. I bought it on a 15-year mortgage and paid it off a little early (just under three years). I actually don't hate it, even though it's small--under 700 square feet--and needs major interior work. The place offered has 2.63 acres near with a river view (no frontage) and a larger garage, a significant upgrade from the 60x125 lot I have now though my garage ain't terrible.

68, I'd have to get my license cleared in MI first. MI and WI reciprocate; no license in one means no license in the other. I may still have some WI issues that need to be resolved; I'm not sure. My last offense there was 20 years ago, but it happened about a week before I moved to GA so a court appearance was out of the question. Once it becomes "failure to appear" I'm not sure they ever give up.
I'll be honest. I miss my 500 square foot one bedroom apartment in Richmond. Too small to collect anything, easy to keep clean, one way clanging radiators, and no obligations. If I get rich I'll have another, in the downtown of some shithole burgh like Richmond. You know, for vacation..
MI and WI reciprocate; no license in one means no license in the other. I may still have some WI issues that need to be resolved; I'm not sure. My last offense there was 20 years ago, but it happened about a week before I moved to GA so a court appearance was out of the question. Once it becomes "failure to appear" I'm not sure they ever give up.

According to WI statutes revocations/suspensions extend a certain time period. When that time period expires, with a suspension you are officially reinstated. With a revocation the only difference is that after the time period you have to pay a revocation fee. :huh: It's always about money. :(

There is nothing in the WI DOT statutes that extends revocation beyond 5 years maximum. On the WI license application there is a question that asked, "Are you or have you had you license revoked in another state?" If you answer yes, it asks for dates. Because it's more than 5 years, in WI it's null & void.

