Rusty's not very quiet cuda progress

OK went back it does NOT have the extra wire, I did buy one somewhere for the 73.
I have to look at what I pulled off it was definitely a thicker guage, it was blue, have to see how they did the other wires. I would prefer a stock item so your guy went into the notebook.
Or I could get stupid & paint mine red!
Not much accomplished today, I stuck the lenses & covers on the parking lights.......20230808_150837.jpgThen thought I'd better round up the motor/trans hardware & see what I have to hunt for20230809_143135.jpga pleasent surprise, trans had all the cirrect pieces!
The motor mounts I knew were off, only 6 bolts when I pulled them & 1 of those was a size smaller.Should be 8 20230809_143145.jpgAll I could round up was a few more of that next size smaller20230809_150148.jpg
trans to motor hardware looks off too, a bunch of slightly different bolts20230809_143152.jpgflyheel to converter bolts look ok, some did have different heads!20230809_143234.jpgNow these get the red thread locker, I bought red & blue & have some green left over?
Found the mount pics so at least I know which side to mount them on!

Did more work today than I have in years, boy I don't miss it at all.
My friend is moving & needed to store some stuff here, well I had to move about half of what I had in the garage to make space for this bad boy! 20230810_143908.jpgout side there's 2 more of those rolling trays under the tent & a giant press on the side of the garage, that was HEAVY!
there were some bennies to this, I got his bolt collection here & found the motor mount bolts I was short, wider threads but same size bolts! 20230810_145820.jpg20230810_145826.jpg& if the motor/tranny install is a fail I got an adaptor for a floor jack to mount the tranny from the bottom? 20230810_143637.jpg
I'll probably spend another day getting some kind of order in there.
After a much needed shower & chow break I opened up the new Radio, well packaged.....20230810_163204.jpgWhen I ordered it I was wondering what kind of brace for the back I would have to make, radio is much shorter than the old, surprise, it came with one! 20230810_163300.jpg
Now I have enough to do to keep me busy for months!
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That is the correct style for mid-1972 thru '74 E-bodies, so as long as you've got the right sunvisors it'll work. If you have sunvisors with anchor pins, which you should not, then you'd need the earlier style.

I can't see the base very well in the photo from the auction you posted, but the base should be grained to match the windshield trim. Van's Auto's auction shows the details and they ship free to boot. I've done a lot of business with them and even visited their facility (their eBay guy is the dude that bought my '73 Challenger back in 1989). They ship quickly and have very good customer service.

Comparing it to this OEM one, it looks a little different but may be close enough.
That's for pinned sunvisors, which E-bodies no longer used after sometime early in the '72 model run. The mirror head itself is also incorrect on the non-mirror side, so it's not even an E-body mirror near as I can tell.

Correct original equipment mirror for mid-1972-'74 E-bodies:


Correct original equipment mirror for 1970-mid-'72 E-bodies (listed incorrectly, but marked "1972 Challenger" on it):


1972 is a screwed-up year for E-bodies. The mirrors, sunvisors, seats and tachometer were all changed at some point during the run. The 340 lost its steel crank late in the year, too.
The guy from whom I bought the '71 Challenger has a '72 Rallye he's owned since the late '70s. It has the pinned visors, an 8,000RPM tach, and hard-back seats, all of which disappeared later in production. It was a 318 car, but had it been a 340 it likely would've had a steel crank.
Ordered one less part to hunt down, BBB thanks for the tips & Jass, you are da mann!

BTW, I got the parts today & your note.
I'm hoping that I will have a nice package for you when I'm done, defiantely a bunch of gaskets & rubber bumpers, I think I have a brand new ignition switch which I needed for the other car (wire plug was cut off) but I decided not to mess with it, if this cars is good I'm not messing with that , & a ton of leftover hardware, that should come in handy with you massive E body collection!
Radio bezel fun! started with this........20230811_140018.jpgMade some lines short of full opening............20230811_140643.jpgLong cuts were easy with one of my modeling saws.............20230811_141058.jpgDrilled a hole next to the short cuts, big saw no go in there, small saw would have taken years! 20230811_141557.jpgWasn't sure how a cut off wheel would work on plastic, turned out pretty good20230811_142326.jpgNow I'm trying to cut around the chrome line, radio would not go in flush finally realized on the bottom the plastic backing was higher than the rest, had to cut around that.............20230811_154204.jpgGot it to fit flush now in the dash, after that I touched up the black around the cut, it a tad off in a few places but you would really have to be looking for it. 20230811_152605.jpgI'll have a couple questions about the wiring, but it does have 2 fused lines.
Got a call on my axles also, he's now trying for monday, exhaust should be here in a week or so, I'm excited , the cool weather is coming & I will have mucho work to do!
I think that's my third Dremel, I use em a lot on the HO train stuff, The saw I was thinking about getting but decided retirement was a better idea, it probably would have been nice cutting in A/C systems in old houses!
I'm really loosin it. yesterday I put a bench under the motor, lowered it down & then lifted just a tad to take the weight off & yet have a little support under there.
Well when I tarped it up I dropped the lift & tarped away.
I go out today, do the rockers & start putting on the motor mounts, the motor started rocking a bit, I look up & holy moley, I left the darn thing on that 30 year old bench overnight.
I'm lucky I didn't go out to a split down the middle bench & engine on the ground! 20230812_121821.jpgLift is now on again & tarped from a bit higher up!
Shaft (thanks Jass) & rockers are in, I got the motor mounts on,was about to more indoors to work on the radio wires when the grandkids came over, so that will wait another day.
20230812_113827.jpg20230812_113806.jpg20230812_113844.jpgI did have to reverse the left/right positions, you can see that they were off.
All fixed up.
OK Z radio is in, dash is upside down at the moment, I can see a little of the radio metal at the bottom, if it shows when I turn the dash over I'll pull it once more & paint it black! 20230813_141402.jpg
So except for that one extra hole next to the knobs it came out pretty good.
So I put the speaker cover on (thanks Jass) & looked in there with a flash light, really can't see much, was going to paint the old speaker black, then looked at the cracked up cover, what the hey I tried a layer of my famous green tape on the back to tighten up all the cracks in it & then just shot it black, I think this will do fine in there. 20230813_155713.jpg20230813_155704.jpg
Tried to get the bass blockers somewhere they were not just dangling around, put them between some factory wire looms. 20230813_151611.jpg20230813_151624.jpg
Trying to use red shrink wrap on the positive leads, was just tight enough on the bass blocker wires, the speaker wires were a little thinner, so I took a small piece of thinner black & did that side first, then slide the red over & heated that! 20230813_152423.jpg20230813_152600.jpg
Pulled the plug & did the rear speaker wires on the bench of course I forgot to mark left & right on the far end so I'll have to unroll em to do that! 20230813_155438.jpg
Noticed these split wires while I was messing around back there, but it may actually be the radio plug, so I have to splice them anyway, gotta go dig out the wiring diagram & check out what they each do?20230813_155037.jpg
So I'm left with the front speaker connections & the 2 power sources & the ground on the wiring & try & find a mounting point for the brace!
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So I'm left with the front speaker connections & the 2 power sources & the ground on the wiring & try & find a mounting point for the brace!
Red with white tracer is your radio feed (12V+ IGN ON) and black feeds your turn-signal flasher off the same circuit. The orange wires are radio (dash) illumination. If you follow the orange wires, one eventually goes back to the headlamp switch and the other goes to an orange "triple tap" that feeds your instrument-cluster lamp bar.

In other words, you're best off not cutting that connector off the harness. You'll just introduce potential turn-signal and dash illumination gremlins.

See if you can get generic wiring connectors (1/4" flat male, I think) that will push into that connector to power your radio. Tape the existing damage, unless you really feel like pulling the plastic insulator off and heat-shrinking each pair of wires (which is what I'd do, but if we learned anything from the '69 Valiant, I'm really picky about wiring). Wire the illumination or dimmer (green) wire on the new radio into the orange wires. Alternately, you could cut the connector off your OE radio to wire into the new one, then it's a plug-in like OE. Red to red, orange to green.

Looking at the diagram on the back of the radio, it doesn't appear to require a constant (battery) 12V+, which is odd. If you do need a constant 12V+, look for a red "triple tap" female bullet connector. There should be one coming off the wiring for the lighter--not far from the radio--that may have one position occupied for the glove-box lamp (if you have one). Those bullets are an odd size; parts-store or stereo-shop males are usually a loose fit. Tinning them with solder is often enough to make them fit tightly.

Realistically, the ground wire can go to any good chassis ground including the cluster housing. Myself, I much prefer to find an actual battery ground wire in the harness to prevent ground loops, which can create noise in the radio. However, ground wires are few and far between in the dash of these cars.
There is a ground strap that runs from the engine to the firewall; the other side of its bolt on the firewall is the best solution. The ground strap's often (usually?) missing but it was there originally. If you don't have it, make or buy one. It prevents any number of interior/dash electrical gremlins. Check the HELP! section of the local parts store for Dorman #60213. It's a very nice braided strap. You can also make one from some 10- or 12-gauge wiring and a couple of crimp-on eye rings. The Valiant's strap runs from a bolt I installed on the back of the cylinder head, but I can't remember offhand which bolt on the firewall was used. The OE one was still present and stayed on the firewall throughout the engine swap, so I never had to mess with it other than verifying its continuity.
Other than that, your best bet is likely just to wire it to a screw somewhere behind the dash that goes into the dash structure or other metal. Since you can't easily test its continuity to ground right now, this might require a bit of underdash diddling once everything's in the car with power connected.

Whichever option you choose, make sure there's a good ground between the firewall and engine. A bolt in the back of a cylinder head is best. Barring that, the coil-mount bolt is a convenient location on a small block while B/RB engines can use one of the bolts in the rear intake-gasket hold-down bar. Make sure the underside of the bolt head is clean. Take note of this bit, @b-body-bob , since you've got engines flyin' all over the place at the moment but none currently in their car. Grounding is absolutely critical on these cars.
A lot to digest.
I do have the oe engine to firewall grounding strap, have to check how it was connected to firewall & see if I can use the back of it?
It does show 2 power sources, I'll check what they ask for?
I don't think there was a radio in there & I don't have the oe radio harness for this car, but I have some Radio wires I scrounged up over the 2 cars, gotta see if I have the connector that plugs in there?
Worst case cut it off, use double connectors to keep those connections intact & the go to radio from there?
I'm sure I missed something, I will ask as I go if it's at all foggy to me, don't want to burn down the car before I even get it started!

