84 Crewcab...AKA..Patches

get taller tires to make it look "right" at that height

cow...your slippin..why didnt you paint those axles while they were out?

Nope will run the stock size tires....for now at least. And I didn't paint the axles because...Meh....:shifty:
And I didn't paint the axles because...Meh....:shifty:
This is no time to go all half ass Mr.! :naughty: You're gonna end up with a brand new rig by the time you're done. Why not make it look brand new as well. [smilie=:: You know you're gonna get the truck done then, one day you're gonna catch a glimpse of that rear end and it's gonna drive you nuts. It would with me anyways. :D
Don't cheep nout now cow.

When I did the gear/pig swap in my charger we painted the pig cast gray. Panted the drums cast gray and red on the wheel face (Its a magnum wheel car) panted the backing plates shocks and U-bolt plates. I painted the u-bolts and nuts clear aswell as the shock nuts and washers. I made new rear springs at work, painted them, panted the rear sway bar and links but I didn't clean up the rear axle brake lines and that drives me batshit crazy. It has for years.

I guess what I'm getting at is Jut do it.
Much of that painting was done by me, with good reason... I'm single. :D The drums, backing plates and I think the shock plates spent quality time in my oven. The center section did as well, leaving burn marks on my kitchen floor that remain until this day. Hell, my girlfriend at the time built the diff! That was almost 10 years ago, and though the parts have aged some, it's a real testament to how well baking on paint works. They still look good, and I nardly hotice bre dain thamge.
:felant: :felant: :Fresh Meds: :felant: :felant:
Andy painted the shock plates when he did the diff housing and the shocks. I loaded the charger up in the trailer today and noticed that I didn'nt paint the rear sway bar & links but I did re bush everything.
I painted all the hard to reach parts. I can get under there and clean and rattle can paint any time. Right now it's too cold to really paint big pieces outside. You have to remember this is my daily driver...so even the parts that I've cleaned and painted will look rough in less then a year. I will not be crawling under it to scrub the suspension pieces! ;)

I'll try and keep things look presentable...but I'd rather have it up and running and dependable, then a prettied up. :)
Been working on the NV4500 4wd conversion the last couple days. Got the counter shaft in and end play set to .002".

Then it was start assembling the new fully splined 4wd mainshaft.


All done and ready to roll into the case....

And the tranny starting to look like a real functioning unit....

Picked up my new front bearing retainer today. Not a bad piece...but it did require a little grinding on the oiling passage.

Not sure if you can see it in the pic, but the casting was almost level where it ran across the oiling hole. Once the bearing race was installed I doubt much oil would have gotten through.

A minute or so with the die grinder and a stone had things opened up....

Make sure you guys check these things when buying "new" parts....;)

So tomorrow I should have the tranny pretty much all back together....Wohoooo!
Nice catch on the oil port. Must guys don't look at stuff like that. I'd like to have you flipin' wrenches in my shop!
Nice catch on the oil port. Must guys don't look at stuff like that. I'd like to have you flipin' wrenches in my shop!

Thanks Stretch....you'd think people would give new parts a quick inspection before installing them. I know I do, and have caught a few things that have given me concern. If that bearing retainer had been installed as it was, that front bearing would have probably cooked out in no time.
Nice catch on the oil port. Must guys don't look at stuff like that. I'd like to have you flipin' wrenches in my shop!

That's the difference between someone that just replaces parts and a mechanic. :cool:
Almost got the tranny finished tonight...

........then I noticed that the shift rail rod for 5th gear is worn badly...:( So now I have to wait on one last part before I can finally finish the tranny. Little cheesed off I never noticed the wear on that part before now.

Oh well I have a million other things I can work on in the mean time.
Thanks again 68 and Stretch for the kind words on my Mechanical abilities....I appreciate it!! :2thumbs:
So since I'm waiting for my shift rod to arrive ...I've been working on some other things.

Yesterday I got the front swaybar installed. Had to drill the holes on the underside of the frame to mount the bushing. Thank goodness I had bought a short 90* air drill some time back. :)

And I straightened the spot welded pinch seam on the tranny tunnel. Previous owner(s) cut and bent it to all heck. So I straightened it, and then trimmed off the excess...and there was a lot!!

And I started to make up the over plates to reinforce the cowl crack areas...

Today I decided i would work on the rad support. I had to re-install the lower mounts for the IC radiator. Since I had removed them to run the old Non-IC rad. Glad I saved all those brackets I removed....;)

Then I thought I may as well get started working on my PowerStroke IC install.

I used the old front bracket for the Dodge IC I had removed before. I cleaned them up and trimmed them down just a hair on the one side. Then moved them all the way out on either side.

I then spent the next 2 hours trying to find the original bushings that mount on the bottom of the OEM IC and go into these brackets...never did find them.

So I used the upper bushing from the PS IC and trimmed them down to fit.

I had done the A/C condenser trimming, and remount last year. So I just removed it to check everything and make sure it wasn't rubbing on anything.

Here you can see how much room I have on either side of the IC and those brackets.

Trimmed the top of the upper mounts on the IC....

You can also see in the A/C condenser pic the trimming I had to do on the rad support. Tried to keep it to a minimum.

And the IC in place...

Had to trim this lug off to clear the A/C line connection....


