J.C. Corbett
or something.....
Folks, I had a very frightening reminder while working on the car last night. I needed to move the Satellite, so I fired it up, moved it, and when I shut it off, (hood up, no air cleaner) it had a small backfire, and the carb caught fire.[smilie=f: Guess who has his fire extinguishers packed away?:shifty: Luckily, I at least had enough presence of mind to find a towel to drape over the carb, and that took care of it. As for my shorts, that's a different story. The moral here is very simple. Sometimes we take shortcuts, and sometimes things just happen, but there's no excuse for being unprepared. This could've ended very badly, and I feel fortunate to not have burned the car down. My extinguishers are now unpacked and ready to go.