No, man... seriously. You really need to take the dash out of one of these cars to see what I'm up against. The "cluster" is actually three different panels hidden behind a single bezel (one panel is the rear-defrost switch, and wipers on some models). The circuit board is mounted to the dash
structure, which on the F/M/J-body cars is a huge plastic substrate--and it's a bitch to remove. There's a hell of a lot more to the structure than the old metal panels used on A/B/E-bodies, so I don't have the wide-open spaces behind the cluster I to which I'm accustomed from playing with the old stuff. So, needless to say, there's nowhere to move the circuit board, unless I hack out and plastic-weld an amazing amount of plastic in a new location. This is a shot that sort-of illustrates what I'm talking about--here's the dash with the speedo part of the cluster removed, and if you look through the cable hole, you'll see there's a wall behind it. Also, you can see the premium of space for a tach-motor hole, as it has to be centered in all those bulbs and contacts to the right of the circuit board:
Though the steering wheel's in the way, this is a decent shot of the cluster assembled with no bezel. It's pretty clear where I want the tach, but there are turn-signal indicators and idiot lights in the black band around the gauge, and I want them all to function as original. I'm sure I'm gonna end up with some LEDs to make it fit, but even so, space is at a premium in this arrangement: