What are you listening to right now?

Speaking of hospital drama, today is the 13th anniversary of me demolishing my old man's Cadillac and spending a week strapped to a backboard. I will never forget waking up that Monday morning. The first thing that crossed my mind was, "Oh, shit... that's not my ceiling." :doh:
Somewhere I have a picture of the caddy after you..... Well...... Rearranged it.
I have one, and only one picture of what was left of that Seville. You know you've gone big when the tape can't be extracted from the stereo, even though it's hanging out of the deck, and only two wheels will touch the ground on flat pavement. :doh:

v8440: well, I never stole a car again, but I've been in trouble since.
Oh, you didn't have permission to drive it? Holy shit, you DID go big. I never had the balls to do something like that. In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't.
I've been on facebook way to long. V8440 I was looking for the like button on your ghetto dweller post :D
I do that all the time! :D :D :D

Now, back to our regularly-scheduled topic:

Wee bit of Drain STH... actually, I've been listening to them most of the day.

Check out a couple of others... this album absolutely rocked.


All Hail Halestorm!!!!:fishy:





Lizzy Hale!!!!:fishy::nanatar:

