Pic of the day.

Damn you 6pk, cryin over here...:D

And no, my sister does not live in South America. She settled down not 2 miles from our old childhood homestead right here in the ridges and valleys of Wisconsins beautiful driftless region. :cool:

More images to come on that unique farm of hers, stay tuned....
Is that the farm that showed in the earlier pictures that I got all lame jokey about buildings in the pictures? If so all lame jokes rescinded. Neat to have a farm in a beautiful countryside like that and raise llamas. I think I'd toss in emus and giraffes. Don't know if there's any market for giraffes - but I think it'd be a blast to have a herd of them running around. Giraffes and emu races......while the llamas look on. I'm sensing a folksy Bob Dylan song in there.

Once upon a time the llamas were so fine
You threw the emus a lime in your prime, didn't you ?
People call, say, "Giraffes some tall, they're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you
You used to laugh about
The emu racing with all its ins and out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be serving llama for your next meal.
Once upon a time the llamas were so fine
You threw the emus a lime in your prime, didn't you ?
People call, say, "Giraffes some tall, they're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you
You used to laugh about
The emu racing with all its ins and out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be serving llama for your next meal.


No sixxer, not the farm in the previous pic, but picturesque all the same.

Sis is a goat farmer, raised for the milk. They milk 300+ a day!
Llamas make good guardians of the herd, there's not a coyote in the tri-state area that will mess with a grumpy Llama. :D

Memorial day 04 002.jpg
Llamas make good guardians of the herd, there's not a coyote in the tri-state area that will mess with a grumpy Llama.

Serious? I never knew that. A day you don't learn something is a wasted day. We got coyotes all through our neighbourhood now. There were several deer families/small herds - up to 7 in number and the last two years such an abundance of rabbits like you wouldn't believe. Nothing to see 10 to 20 rabbits on the way to work every day. Now there are none of either to be seen. But in wet weather or snow we got coyote pawprints the size of huge German Shepards. These are big buggers. Guess we need a guard llama or two.

How intelligent are they? Will they come well called or obey any instructions? Do you have to actively go herd them up? Or do they stare vacuously at the world and only take umbrage when there is a threat near?
llamas are smart as a whip and are major guards..ive heard storys of them bashing off mountain lions...there that agressive when they need to be...and ive also heard of them being house broken...pretty much every farm out this way with anything more than a few animals has one..even a stray dog in the field is going to get its ass kicked...ive watched them even heard sheep so they can better keep an eye on them all...its rather strange
Neat! I never gave much thought to them, but this is all very cool information. I would never had thought that they could be aggressive/defensive.

Oh, little llamas,
It's your misfortune and not of my own.
Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o get along little llamas,
You know that Wyoming will be your new home.

A llama trail drunk and a hard road to travel,
That old Jack O' Diamonds is a hard card to play.
Get along, get along, get along little llamas,
Get along little llamas and be on your way.

Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o get along little llamas,
It's your misfortune and not of my own.
Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o get along little llamas,
You know that Wyoming will be your new home.

Some boys have bit this old llama trail for pleasure,
But that's where they get it most awfully wrong.
I wish I could tell you the troubles they give us,
As we go rolling these llamas along.

Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o get along little llamas,
It's your misfortune and not of my own.
Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o get along little llamas,
You know that Wyoming will be your new home.
Didn't the dolly llama go and visit the pope on a rope?

Herd them all Dolly,......well, herd them all Dolly
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
You're herdin'' swell, Dolly.......I can tell, Dolly
You're still glowin'...you're still crowin'...you're still goin' strong
I feel the goats swayin'......while the herd's playin'
Lure the coyotes over to the llama's pen
So..... feel her wraith, fellas.......no coyotes takin' a nap, fellas
Dolly's goats will never be coyote taken again
Here's a Mopar themed vintage pic. The guy on the left is my great granddad, Walter, the guy in the middle is my granddad, Jim, and the little guy leaning is my dad, Tom. I believe the car is a 47 or 48 Chrysler.


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This shot is from the late 50's. I think that's Mt. Shasta in the background.


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Careful, 69.5 is going to start talking about the "Good Ol' days" and how the vehicles would be nice to have for his stockpile. :D
Those are some really nice, clear pics for their age, J.C.

Careful, 69.5 is going to start talking about the "Good Ol' days" and how the vehicles would be nice to have for his stockpile. :D
Those are some really nice, clear pics for their age, J.C.

I have hundreds more, and they're all in Oregon, so if 69.5 digs hard enough, he'll probably find some of these trucks.
Didn't the dolly llama go and visit the pope on a rope?

Herd them all Dolly,......well, herd them all Dolly
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
You're herdin'' swell, Dolly.......I can tell, Dolly
You're still glowin'...you're still crowin'...you're still goin' strong
I feel the goats swayin'......while the herd's playin'
Lure the coyotes over to the llama's pen
So..... feel her wraith, fellas.......no coyotes takin' a nap, fellas
Dolly's goats will never be coyote taken again

One 'L' lama, he's a priest,
Two 'L' llama, he's a beast.
And I will bet a silk pajama
That there is no three 'L' lllama.
Winter.........I laugh in your face.

you know..i knew they existed but thats the first time ive ever seen a shot of them...they use standard car studs right?
oh they screw in...wicked,,so there replaceable so long as the rubber is good..and removeable when the seasons over

