Oh, god. My week just got better.


Tank driver
I was talking to my mom today...and I asked her, "Do you think that it's okay if I get someone to take a Diplomat and put a pass. airbag in the glovebox and put ABS brakes on it?
"Albert, if you can find someone to do it safely, than it's all yours."


No more of this Crapice, Crap Vic, or Blunderbird sh!t...


Is there someone out there that can do it easily?
Al......buddy.......Good fuckin luck!

Maybe you could put a ziplock bag there, with an airpump.....and put on some really warped rotors slam on the brakes, and tell your mom it is the ABS...

In other words, AL......No. It is as easy and cheap to do that as it is for me to place three V12s in my Land Rover.
I for one do not trust airbags:doubt: "Gee let's put a shot gun shell in a pillow case and put it in peoples faces and have it go off! That sounds swell!" :dgt: No spank you. As soon as I find a steering wheel I like for the Jeep, my airbags are going!
Why do you need a passenger air bag anyway. You won't have any passengers for a year if I read the law correctly. and besides, you ain't sittin in that seat so who cares, if my mother wants a passengerside airbag in my car, I just take HER for a ride...:shifty:

And ABS is great till you need to use it, and then it scares the crap out of you when it activates, you take your foot off the pedal, and do just what you were trying to avoid..... crash. I prefer the "mash your foot till the tires smoke" method of stopping (and starting).:D
mr340 said:
I prefer the "mash your foot till the tires smoke" method of stopping (and starting).:D

Same here. It has worked for me very well.

But we will not mention the latest incident :D DAMN SQUIRRELS :doh:
XL your killin me over here...:D

Ziplock bag...he he, yeah yeah one of them big un's. rofl

*Begins drawing blueprints*:toot:
mr340 said:
Why do you need a passenger air bag anyway. You won't have any passengers for a year if I read the law correctly. and besides, you ain't sittin in that seat so who cares, if my mother wants a passengerside airbag in my car, I just take HER for a ride...:shifty:

And ABS is great till you need to use it, and then it scares the crap out of you when it activates, you take your foot off the pedal, and do just what you were trying to avoid..... crash. I prefer the "mash your foot till the tires smoke" method of stopping (and starting).:D

As soon as I get out of my parents' place...

The ABS is goin bye-bye and the airbags are gonna be filled with pure sodium (non ionized) and I'm gonna shoot some water in it...


P.S. I know it's a tough job, but I have an alternate idea.

For the pass. airbag (or lack theirof) I'll carve "SRS" into the glovebox door and seal it up with some good paste.

ABS: Engrave ABS into the wheels (I'll buy a set of cheapies).

As for the driver airbag: I'll just get one. It's too hard to knock it off.
Now I get it...

Screw all of this.

I'm just gonna buy that '99 Dakota I found out in Mo-town and thrash the hell out of it.
Hey, unless you are over 5' 7" an air bag is the last thing you want. They were designed for taller people and are very dangerous to short folk.There are quite often more air bag injuries to short people. They are not my favorite thing and the cost is scary also, if they do get used. :eek:
True enough of the first gen bags, however, not so with the second generation bags. ;) Have an article somewhere....*wanders off to look*
Caaaareful......I happen to enjoy creeping around in the woods. :D and it does it with more ability than my super modded Jeep. ;)

Point is, he might just as well glue a baggie filled with helium on the dash, a retrofit ain't gonna happen.
if you must i sugjest getting the airbag parts installed but NOT hooking them up...what you realy need to do is show your parents the damage that airbags actualy do...my wife was neerly blinded by an airbag and was hospitalized for several months due to the gunpowder..90s duster when she hit a curb after slideing on leaves....air bags explode with such force they generaly shatter the windshields and break dashes as well as bending steering wheels...they have the potential to cause more damage to the car and person in front of them than they due to save..as there nothing more than a shotgun shell inflateing a fiberglass/cevlar bag

i would rather "fake" an airbag and abs than be exposed to them...frankly if my dissabled mother was in a car when an air bag went off in her face it would kill her....same reason children are not allowed in front seats..air bags kill as there only designed for the "ideal" or "perfect" person sitting at the "perfect" distance from them and the "perfect" weight
same reason children are not allowed in front seats..air bags kill as there only designed for the "ideal" or "perfect" person sitting at the "perfect" distance from them and the "perfect" weight

my point exactly. I really don't like them myself.
Which brings back my point of the second Generation airbags, and also the "smart"airbags...they can sense how much weight is on the seat, the seat position and can adjust their explosive force or whether they even activate. Still can't find that tech write up. :(
My idea of a smart airbag is a good lookin blonde chick that talks too much.....

Guys. I gave up on lookin for 1st gen bags, and I'm goin to get a Ram 1500 that i found sometime...its 6995 and only had 47K on the clock. It's a 1999, 2WD, Regluar cab truck.

