My 71 Duster work in progress

Coil is probably 3/4 it's a shame but all manufacturers don't work with the same setups!
You can try copper one size smaller on the inside, may be a little loose but you can braze it in.
Too bad your so far I saved a bunch of old copper line set leftovers, let me see what I have I can ship em to you if your not in a rush?
UPS might have lost my pushrods. They've been in IL since Friday. Earlier today they were saying delivery today but I knew better. Now it's tomorrow.

Update - it finally moved, should be delivered today if their system can be believed.
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I swear, tracking numbers are somewhere between false hope and outright shenanigans. I sent a USPS Priority Mail envelope on Thursday, and it said "Accepted by post office" for five days, but no movement afterward. I called the post office yesterday to inquire and was assured it left on the truck that day. Obviously it wasn't scanned when it did. Last night it suddenly appeared in Chicago, where it magically arrived after somehow skipping both Green Bay and Oshkosh on tracking, despite having to travel through each. It wouldn't be that big a deal, except there's a cashier's check in it of not-inconsequential amount.
The pushrods actually showed up via USPS, who I trust 10x more than UPS anyway.

They're in now but not adjusted. I'm already too freaking tired from this treatment, but it ain't going to get any better so I have to sack up and get it done sooner not later.

Testosterone is important.
Slow & easy are the words, do what you can without too much strain, get yourself healthy again, the car will be waiting to haunt you again!
That's the plan. Hoping to get it done though because things aren't going to improve any time soon, I've got 42 treatments ahead of me.

BTW the nephew got the piece needed for the HVAC and is working everything around to get it off the exhaust.
Testosterone is important.
😄 Very important. In fact, it gives me a boner!

They're in now but not adjusted. I'm already too freaking tired from this treatment, but it ain't going to get any better so I have to sack up and get it done sooner not later.
You've got 'em installed, so adjusting can wait until you have a bit more energy. Of course,

I've got 42 treatments ahead of me.
... and if I've learned anything, your energy will be steadily depleted over the course of those. It saps energy you haven't even gotten back yet. So, y'know, if you can get after it this weekend, it might be more doable than next weekend.

By no means am I suggesting you rush things or over-exert yourself. You've gotta take care of Bob first and foremost.

Slow & easy are the words, do what you can without too much strain, get yourself healthy again, the car will be waiting to haunt you again!
Agreed 100%, and I'll add "Follow the doctor's orders no matter how you feel". Unlike you, he's been through this previously if only as a spectator. If he tells you not to push your rod too soon, it's because he knows you shouldn't. I've no great love of doctors (based on a long history of them not listening to me) but when it comes to healing it's well worth heeding what they say.
your energy will be steadily depleted over the course of those
Yes, it's not going to get any easier as this goes on. I'm hoping to be back to normal around Spring 2025.
Wonder if it's worth more as scrap than the gas it costs to get there?
No it probably is not :) My nephew was telling me you have to break stuff down into component metals to get good money out of it. I said I don't care because the point to me is to get rid of junk, not to make a living at it. No way am I spending days busting up parts into steel, aluminum, other, to make an extra fifty cents.

I do have to disassemble the A/C unit to get it on the back of the truck. It's one of those old 80-90s huge Trane units and it weighs a ton. But the most I'm doing it taking it apart at the screws so I can pick it up
Oh I hated Trane, my dealer switched from rheem to trane , I sold it for a year or so & then just dropped it, big bulky Heavy units & the air handlers had to have a bigger hole to get them in the attics, good brand but not worth a heart attack! I did just fine selling Rheem!

I made money on it for years, prices were all over the place, but I only separated the good stuff copper, brass & aluminum.
Cast iron boilers were good to for a while, tin was always next to nothing, one guy made you pay 10 bucks to dump it if you had no good stuff when prices were low.
I was adding a couple of hundred a week back then it was well worth it I had to get rid of the old units anyway so it was win win for me.
The pad under the Trane had sunk into the ground. I don't think it was necessarily the unit weight but it did happen. We used the same pad for the new tiny unit. FYI it's a 3 ton.
Successful day yesterday. Removed the plugs so I could turn the engine over by hand. Broke two spark plugs, dropped a 3rd one and broke it. Perfect. I just walked out and locked the door behind me after that.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, maybe using too long of an extension or not holding things perfectly aligned for the angled plugs. IIRC that makes 5 plugs I've broken since this shitshow started.

