Pastor of Muppets
I don't see how they could hit, since the instant the rocker moves so does the valve. Having said that, I'd pull that rocker shaft and look at the bottoms of the rockers for witness marks just to be sure. You won't have to mess with your preload; it's no different than taking off factory stamped arms. It'll give you an opportunity to look at the adjuster balls, too.
Everything looks good and oily up there, so I don't expect oiling's an issue. Still, it might be worth your while to start it before you reinstall the covers just to get an idea of what's happening up there. It'll also help pinpoint any valvetrain noise. Lay a couple of old T-shirts on the inner fenders for easy cleanup, but a lot less oil shoots out than you might expect. Make sure your drop clothes are clear of the headers, though. Alternately--and with less mess--you could pull the distributor and run the pump with your priming shaft whilst watching the rocker gear. Just note the rotor position and mark the disrtibutor housing and block with a Sharpie to get the distributor back in the same place.
Everything looks good and oily up there, so I don't expect oiling's an issue. Still, it might be worth your while to start it before you reinstall the covers just to get an idea of what's happening up there. It'll also help pinpoint any valvetrain noise. Lay a couple of old T-shirts on the inner fenders for easy cleanup, but a lot less oil shoots out than you might expect. Make sure your drop clothes are clear of the headers, though. Alternately--and with less mess--you could pull the distributor and run the pump with your priming shaft whilst watching the rocker gear. Just note the rotor position and mark the disrtibutor housing and block with a Sharpie to get the distributor back in the same place.