In through the Out Door, so She's
Me too. Maybe something is wired incorrectly, but it's pretty basic stuff. On the bright side, I tried a third Voltage Regulator and now the overcharging situation is solved. 14.1-14.3ish at fast idle with no accessories on.
The bulkhead connector is in really good shape, lightly sanded the terminals and put a small bit of dielectric grease on them. Actually drilled out two of the empty terminals years ago and ran a 10 gauge fused wire from the alternator to Big red wire inside. Then from big Black wire to the Starter Relay stud. Probably should have left everything alone, but I can't help it... I'm Moparnuts.
The bulkhead connector is in really good shape, lightly sanded the terminals and put a small bit of dielectric grease on them. Actually drilled out two of the empty terminals years ago and ran a 10 gauge fused wire from the alternator to Big red wire inside. Then from big Black wire to the Starter Relay stud. Probably should have left everything alone, but I can't help it... I'm Moparnuts.