Hey Dumb Shit! Dumbass brake jobbers!

This friends is the exact reason I work on my own shit. That way I know its right and not fucked up by some dumbass shop tech that doesnt have a clue as to whats going on. If for some reason a shop services one of my vehicles I watch em like a hawk, whether they like it or not. Too many dumbshit techs out there.


I hear Ya on that one...I try to the best of my ability to do all my own work...the computer and sensors I have to take it in to get checked...but mechanical is all me.

I got a call from the chrysler dealership tonight and they tell me blah blah blah I need to get done to the car...I tell them nope....done that already....don't need to pay you to do this as well....maybe I'll call ina few months for my anual 80 point inspection.:toot:
after being screwed for a 39.95 tune up that turned into 280$ and the car running WORSE...no one has EVER touched my rigs since...i was 15 had my permit and thought i was getting a deal.....i worked my ass off reading shop manuals and learning everything i could ....only 2 things i cant do aside from machining...setting up ring/pinions(not sure what the problem is "yet") and rebuilding an automatic trans...i wont even let a shop put tires on my rigs...i take the wheels in only!..i worked tires for a while i know the BS that goes on in tire shops(alignment oil, brakes etc)
This friends is the exact reason I work on my own shit. That way I know its right and not fucked up by some dumbass shop tech that doesnt have a clue as to whats going on. If for some reason a shop services one of my vehicles I watch em like a hawk, whether they like it or not. Too many dumbshit techs out there.

Yes Jamie, "shit" certainly describes your vehicles..plenty truth in advertising there. Also your language of late is disturbing, try and clean it up a tad mmm-kay?
Agreed that there are less than qualified techs out there but the majority of us work hard to make sure a job is done correctly the first time, no one likes a job coming back on them.

Also I would like to know what kind of "BS" 69.5 is referring to that goes on in tire shops, just one persons experience certainly does not mean all shops are bad.
First of all not all Techs are dumb shits! In fact I cant ever recall busting a hole in a timing cover while performing a tune up. Most of the stuff I see screwed up on the job is stuff that the owner tried to do himself and then brought it to the shop when it still didn’t work or I just find it while fixing something else on the car.

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Jamie.
I also take offense to this. My husband is one of the best diesel mechanics (or technician, as they call them these days) in this area, and he takes great pride in his work. He works for Kenworth Hamilton, and many customers ask for HIM to work on their trucks. His supervisor knows this, and treats him well. He is the oldest tech. in the shop, and the younger ones are always coming to him with questions, and he takes time to teach the apprentices how to do a job RIGHT!! No short cuts..... Experience counts for something.
Just because you had one bad experience Jamie, don't paint them all with the same brush......
It ended up in a junkyard. Obviously the previous owner wasn't into maintenance and would only spend $$ if he had to at the cheapest price. I'm imagining someone like booze fighter working on it for beer money. Then, when something comes up like a busted motor or transmission , I forgot which, off to the JY she goes.

That job didn't come from a trained, experienced and certified mechanic at a licenced shop. Hell, it didn't even come from an honest guy trying to help a buddy out working for beer money. :)
Well, I'll throw my 2 cents worth in here too.
Jamie, I'm a licensed body tech, but the generality of your comments seems to include techs in general, so here goes:
I work very hard to make sure everything I've ever done is done right. The vast majority of people I've worked with do the same.
I'll agree with Stretch when he says most of the f*cked up repairs are usually caused by the vehicle owners - whether they're trying to save themselves a few bucks, or by trying to cut corners, or by tackling jobs that they are simply not qualified to do.
I've read your numerous posts on fixing "shit", and I gotta say, you fit the above vehicle owner description. I really don't think you've got a clue as to what you're fixing. The lingo you're using certainly gives that impression. Every time I read your posts, my suspicions are confirmed.
How about doing us all a favour - fix your "shit" and don't tell anyone. K?
:D Dumbshit Tech... Isn't that an oxymoron?

I worked in a shop for quite awhile, and it's true, some techs are better than others... But c'mon, what do you do for work Jamie? It takes a lot of diligence and effort to get your ticket, and dumbshits usually give up long before their 4 years is up.

I work on my own cars because it's therapeutic, and can take my time. Technicians are efficient, as time = $$$, and too much time = a pissy customer.

Your "vehicle" was "repaired" by a backyard hack.
dont get me wrong every shop gets a bad tech thru it sooner or later or a pissed off good one on a rampage..it happens such is life....the shop i was at for a while had a few good ones and a few bad ones.......best memory is the guy who totaled a 500 mile brand spanking new burban on the lift for its first oil change
IT,S BEEN ONLY IN THE 6years i have had to have someone work on certain things. ONLY becaus ei got sick. IT drives me crazy. now i got a car i diont know anything about why? because i have been out of it . i have trouble getting a riding mower working,RESTO will tell ya that caus ehis shop did the work. he knows but thats the way it goes . get sick like i did and you pay. NOW i am cleaning my shop and starting over literally. it hurts. i dont have papers but there was a time when i could match wrenches. now i cant find the key to start one up:bwuhaha:you forget alot when you lay in a hospital. so i will stick with the old stuff and let the mech,s look after the new. it hurts to walk into your shop and see the tools still in the same place they were 6-7 years ago. like going back in time. the plugs still on the bench and tools here and oilcans there. but dont walk in and put it down. getting off track here. when there is a good mech then respect him when there is a bad one let it be known but to sit and spew about what you call junk then keep it to yourself cause thats your problem. and if you dont want help dont call it junk. I WOULD RATHER HAVE A SECOND CLASS RIDE THAN A FIRST CLASS WALK--- so there is no junk-- if its that bad get rid of it. maybe it is me but i get tired of listening to crap and trying to help people who dont give a rip and then listening to them about how bad it is . .. maybe Jamie if ya listen or maybe kept your face from getting 3 inches in front of the mech, that was trying to fix and maybe telling him how to do it - IT MIGHT HAVE BEN OK. i dont know----GET A GRIP HERE SON---and i dont delete my posts cause i stand behing everything i say. maybe if you didnt get so rammy you wouldnt be this way. if your rammy like this kid your the same way in your house --- slow down kid or your going to have an awful hard life in what you do. Ed:)
Don't get me wrong either...most Techs/Mechanics are great and do a bang up job....(no pun intended..;)) I know the limits of my abilities and will always research the job I intend to do and if it's beyond me then I will get it done by someone who is qualified.

I like to save money...who doesn't..but you need to understand your own abilities and if you do have to take your vehicle in for repairs at a shop don't pick the cheapest...do some homework and pick one that has a good reputation of service and quality.
I'm not wrenching anymore, but I think you guys just about covered everything I would've said.

For future reference, people like yourself are the reason for signs like this
Post deleted by poster!


Ran back behind mama's skirt eh? Priceless. :D

Do me a favor, next time you want to spew venom stand there and take the criticism like a man or just keep your mouth shut in the first place. You managed to ruin a perfectly good mood this morning with your inane whining and I shall not forget it.
All I can hope for I suppose is that you are done posting here, If only we could be that lucky.
All I can hope for I suppose is that you are done posting here, If only we could be that lucky.
It happened to Albert, I'm sure if you wear the pretty pink number and some stiletto's XL can give you the secret recipe....
post deleted by poster WTF is that horse crap you chickenshit!?!?!??!?!?!!!!

me personaly its not so much about saving money as it is not trusting ANYONE to work on my stuff......most of the places around here get a good reputation from the high rollers ..but screw the guys who cant pay the premium prices or arnt driving the high$$$ cars.......i almost feel sorry for the rich around here but there suckers and fall for it.......

while standing waiting to talk to someone at the desk im overhearing a tech telling a snobby rich chick that her brakes have to be replaced to get an alignment and that the front brakes wore out her almost new tires and she needs 2 new tires as well to get the alignment..and the struts might be bad on her 10k mile car...talk about a load of horse shit!...if these guys think they can sell a job they will certainly try..thank god i was only after prices on some rubber and some small bolt crager lug nuts....i think the only guy around i trust is my machinist..but he is a DIE HARD gear head and his work is his racing money

a "good" tech in a honest shop is a hard thing to find these days
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RESTO wears the stelettos and XL wersthe PINK and Flames like you wouldnt believe-- the recip is well ---- XL sniffs and goes CARAZIE.... watch out for the flamer. dont get in his sights . as for Resto -- well he is learning.... but Tango nites in the city lites is a twist--- as he slides across a car-:bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha:

