Wiper bushings...any decent replacement?


Well-known member
Hi all,

I'm just about convinced that the plastic wiper bushings dodge used are the worst design fuckup in the entire history of the company. It's not just that the idea is abjectly stupid, it's also that they compounded the error by continuing it FOR OVER 20 YEARS. It's like if you're a burglar, and you get caught because you break into a cop's house, you then compile a list of every cop in a 200 mile radius and attempt to break into each and every one of them's house. Really? I mean, from '71 or '72, when they started making the retarded shit, they couldn't figure out that it was retarded until '94 or so? I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest shit on the planet. There's just no possible purpose in that level of stupidity. I think someone who okays something like that should be subject to getting slapped in the face every day for the length of time the stupid shit is implemented by the company.

Ok, the scenario is this: We have my buddy's '92 d250. We would like to replace the retarded plastic shit with something that will actually last. Is there any solution, either aftermarket or original, that will accomplish this?
Lookee what happened to me yesterday.


I guess I'm not laughing at you, I'm crying with you.

I would replace those "crappy" bushings twice a week with a smile on my face if I could fit my fat fucking hands in the space provided to work in,

>>>>>>>>>>>lovingly eyes cut-off wheel.
I guess when you ask if there is any decent replacement that you are looking for an improvement, or I'd tell you stories of "help" section ,buy two of everything in order to get the one you neededness.

