What are you listening to right now?

Metallica- For Whom the Bell Tolls.
I was thinking recently about what Jass was saying about how carefully crafted the Mustaine co-written songs were, and I have to wonder, how would it sound given a similar line up today? Picture that band playing with a guitarist as maniacally precise as Mustaine. That's not to take away from Hammet in any way, but he and Dave sound very different. Or go to another level completely, and put in John Petrucci on lead, tearing up the 7 string like a 35 year old stripper who really needs that $20. For that matter, replace Lars(who is an excellent drummer) with a heavyweight like Vinny Paul. Oh, the heavy possibilities.:giggedy:
I was once talking to a co-worker, years ago, and wondering why Mustaine played the way he did... co-worker's response was, "Because he can." :D

My belief is that as good a guitarist Hammett is, he's just not of the same creativity as Mustaine, nor do I think that lacking Mustaine, they've ever had a true hard-head of the same level as Cliff Burton.

Should you want to hear some awesome drum work, you need to check out Iced Earth's "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Not only was the drummer on that album awesome, they actually found a better one for the tour (which would require having a listen to "Alive in Athens").

*rocks out again to Dream Theater's Under Peruvian Skies*
I have damn near everything Iced Earth ever made. I'm a fan. I do have to say, though, The Ripper is a better singer for their style than Barlow. It's a shame they sent him down the road when Barlow wanted to come back. I read a few weeks ago that Ripper Owens is now singing for Yngvie(or however the fuck you spell it).
Gravity Kills - Guilty

I probably posted this one already, but I'm, well, Guilty of listening to it again. :D

Damn, it just changed... The Cars - Since You're Gone

