Thinking of getting out. Long. Sorry.

Hang on to it buddy, I know what your feeling. I get my motor back one day this week but I'm not excited about stuffing it in with a bunch of other family problems pressing. I lucked out with wife # 2 here, I was seriously thinking about selling it to save up for future needs but she says no way is the runner leaving!. She said the same others here have. "clean up the garage, put any and all parts in the trunk and cover her back up till the urge hits again". Maybe ditch the cage so the family could tag along?.
We know you'll make the right decision for your own situation.
Honestly, I think I've just lost interest. Though Jass rasies a good point, I don't think it applies to me. Hell, Prosport built my car, and now drives a, streetable, low 10-second Dart that he built, so I'd much rather own a car built by him than by me. :D

I really think that I enjoy having an old car more than actually driving one. I don't think that would change if I got something else, which is why I say that, if I sell it, I'm done. It's an awesome car. I don't especially care for having a cage, but that's about it. I wouldn't really change anything else about the car, except the black engine/trunk compartments, but that's piddly stuff. The 4:30s are awesome when I mash the gas...problem is, I don't get to do that very often.

Cruising by oneself at 40mph is just no fun, especially in a car that is just begging to be romped on. Hell, it idles at 30mph. [smilie=e:

I do sincerely appreciate the input from everyone.
Take a little time to think it over and see how you feel after a month or so. I hate to see you sell it and get away from this but give it some time to be sure what you really want to do. Ron
dont get to mash that gas enough [smilie=e:

there is where the smile could come back on your face. take it out to mash the gas [smilie=e:

me being in the position i am in (without a mopar), i would say hang onto it, you may regret it if you sell it.
me being in the position i am in (without a mopar), i would say hang onto it, you may regret it if you sell it.[/quote] WITHOUT?????? WTF is up there? I hate to see a fellow adrenaline junky go without his fix. Go sell something now and get well doooood. [smilie=e:
dodgedifferent2 said:
me being in the position i am in (without a mopar), i would say hang onto it, you may regret it if you sell it.

Indeed [smilie=e:
I wouldn't sell my car for the world, even though it's made me mad as all getout a couple times 'cause of electrical stuff which I'm shakey on (imagin just passin the "family criuser" doin 5 under the limit just to have the car DIE, now THAT made me wanna crawl in the trunk an not come out). Turned out to be a bad ECU, sometimes the fix is easier than ya think. But I'll tell ya, I was a bit paranoid for a while after I changed it out: "I hope that was it...I hope that was it". I think ya should keep the car personally, they're gettin harder to find every year. I can't remember the last time I saw a '69 Road Runner on the road, or a nice Dart for that matter. Which probly why people rubber neck when they see mine even though it looks the way it does.
My answer was easy. buy a 49 dodge and revel in its inability to do anything well. seriously....sure made things fun again! :)
xlr8r said:
buy a 49 dodge and revel in its inability to do anything well.

That thing isn't anywhere near fast but it's still fun in the cruising sense. I'd drive it. And that thing sounds like something NAC might enjoy with the family.
Very Long


I know what you're going through.

Three years ago I poured my heart and soul (as well as a bunch of momey) into redoing our 73 Runner. I was so excited in the prospect of this old girl getting back on the street that I worked on it any spare waking minute. I finishes it a little over a year ago. All it needs now is the rear redone (original - never been touched). The suregrip is flat worn out.

Keep in mind my son was born in the middle of the resto.

Anyway....... when I finished getting the car driveable, I drove it to a few local shows and stuff. Summer came and it was too hot to drive (no AC), so I parked it for the summer. Summer became Spring this year and I haven't driven it at all since last Summer (other than around the neighborhood once a month).

I think I have lost interst as well, but mine has to do with other priorities (like my son). He requires a lot of attention, so the little bit of free time that I currently have I spend riding my Goldwing.

Wife has stated that we could all cruise to a local show in it. I just don't feel the car is dependable enough to risk breaking down somewhere with my son in the car.

Is it a race car? No! But it is far from stock and requires a bunch of tinkering and I don't have the free time right now.

History.......I bought this car for my wife 18 years ago (the year we got married) for her birthday. We have shared it over the years and got a lot of enjoyment out of it. We stopped driving the car for about 5 years because it needed so much work. Finances were tight, so it sat in the garage until we finally got our ducks in a row and were able to do it right.

The bottom line is this.....On several occassions we thought about selling it. My interest level eventually came back. I've lost it again, but figure it will again come back. So there it sits all wrapped up in it's cover waiting for me to get interested again.

Keep it! You won't regret it. Beside, it's a nice toy to pass to your kid. [smilie=e:

NAC I understand what your going through five years ago I sold a 71
drop top 4 speed Corvette.
I owned the car for 10 years. I put thousands and thousands of $$$$
into it. It was a real beauty. Real head turner. Stop light conversations.
Show winner of many trophies.
After 7 years it just didn't do it for me anymore. I think I put 750 miles on it the last 3 years.
I pulled it out of the garage once a month to wash and wax it and backed it right back in afterwards. Needless to say I sold it but with a plan.
I took a quarter of the money I knew I would get no problem and bought my Dart.
At this point I'm into the Dart for 34,000. BUT I am enjoying the shit out
it. If its not doing it for you anymore get rid of it, but do it with a plan.
I sold my Vette to a friend who pissed his pants every time he saw it.
He drives it every day. He looks like he was born to be with that car.
Find one that makes you smile again.
well Kid,lemme tell ya' a story,I've been fighting a divorce,the gov't. and unable to have a job or a bank acct. or even a car in my own name since 1993,well.,I finally won all that chit back and I'm a free man again,I had to sell some rare and fine mopars in that time frame to be able to eat and pay rent,and that hurt alot. But what hurt the most was not having any interest in them,and letting them sit,as I was more "bummed" than broke to work on them,Plus I was working on them for a "cash" living and plain sick of them ,to wanna' come home and work on my own,,,well,I just got my license back,and my whole attitude has changed,I'm keeping my '62 Fury,which I'd never sell,but also my '68GTX which was for sale yesterday and even keeping my '72 Charger for a later resto,,sometimes it just takes something to put the fire back in ya'! winning my court battle did it for me !,,I'm too hardcore mopar,that another brandX would pacify my lust for a musclecar.
xlr8r said:
My answer was easy. buy a 49 dodge and revel in its inability to do anything well. seriously....sure made things fun again! :)

*giggles* i am more into the old stuff, the muscle cars dont phase me much anymore. Sometimes i get the yawns. I dont read all the mopar magazines like i use to. I put that extra money in a bucket as a car fund [smilie=e:
Sell it...cheaply...TO ME!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

Seriously, all I can tell ya, is that, after not having a 'fun' car for neary ten years (well, not one that I can play with regularly), I sometimes miss it a great deal.

If it ain't costin' ya much, and its not in the way, Id suggest ignoring it for awhile, and seeing if the'urge' comes back...

I get the feeling you described from time to time with the 69 Charger. Its not that I'm bored with it but sometimes I fell like it will be safe in my backyard as compared to being on the road with morons. Being able to have a good Sunday to look over and wash her usually does the trick for me to get her back in my heart.

I want you to try something before you sell it. If you can that is lol. If you have a trusting safe place to keep her, like a friends house leave her there for a few weeks and see how it feels to not have her around. Might make your choice easier if it does not bother you at all. And then have your friend drive it past your house and say to yourself, thats not mine anymore. It’s a scary thought for me anyway.
When I was driving the 69 at the age of 18 I had a lot of older men say damn I wish I never got ride of mine, over and over. Kinda knew what kinda guy was going to say it and when. Drilled in my head never to get ride of mine. Keep her for you may never have the chance to own this piece of American history again, is what I heard. I still here this to date and it still has its original importance as it didn’t when I was younger. It’s a shame in some sense that I haven’t taken the 69 on the road for 3 yrs, but I’m glad she is still there and I would really love to get her back on the road this year. Strange how it will be when the new dukes movie comes out. [smilie=e:

