The New Yorker.

looking good Dippy---- keep it up... i cant wait to get into my shop. been cleaning it out for a few weeks now but when i am done i,ll be able to work and get something done... that will bhe a fine looking cart whaen your done .. gonna paint it the same colour or do a change.. personally i like the same colour. looks rich and is the colour of money----green :bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha:
looking good Dippy---- keep it up... i cant wait to get into my shop. been cleaning it out for a few weeks now but when i am done i,ll be able to work and get something done... that will bhe a fine looking cart whaen your done .. gonna paint it the same colour or do a change.. personally i like the same colour. looks rich and is the colour of money----green :bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha:

I will be getting the body shop to color match the paint as the original is in such nice shape. :)
Well I got the inner fender installed.

Just gotta pick up the original bumper shell from the welding shop, put it and the header on and she's ready for inspection!

I desided to get the small tear in my original bumper repaired instead of useing the corroded one I found.
cant blame ya there the old bumper looked great and shouldnt look to bad even with a small welded spot vs that nasty thing ya dragged home...any chance of moveing the bumperetes to cover it up?
cant blame ya there the old bumper looked great and shouldnt look to bad even with a small welded spot vs that nasty thing ya dragged home...any chance of moveing the bumperetes to cover it up?

That was my thoughts exactly.

I need the nasty one though because the original mounts on the passenger side were royally fucked.
Almost there!!! :giggedy:

Just gotta finish installing the inner door panel and put the grill and lights in it! :giggedy: :dance:


Almost there!!!

Long story but I was having a bitch of a time with the weatherstrip not fitting properly where it attached to the mirror.

Here's what I found out.

My replacement door and mirror are '80-'81 only, my cars original tinted glass and weather stripping are '79 only.

The difference being that '80-'81 front side windows are 4" longer then '79, there for the weatherstripping and mirror are different.

'80-81 the mirrors are mounted totally different and are free standing and not attached to the weatherstrip, witch is attached to the door only.

'79 mirrors are attached to the weatherstrip via screws and a small plastic filler piece to acommodate the shorter glass.

So I had to go on the hunt to find a '79 only mirror. I was lucky to find the ONLY one around here. For $20. :D

Believe it or not but the door is the same '79-81, only the mirrors and side glass were changed.

What a PITA! :D

But here she is!



Just a quick lil fiberglass job and she's done! It's a daily driver so I don't mind a little filler. It's the only rust on the car, stupid fucking trim!:mad:


My Dad had one of those when I was a kid. Was Grey on grey. Like the styling or not, it felt like I was riding a couch on wheels.

Very comfy car!

What shade green is the interior? It all looked good, but the steering column screams of hospital walls for some reaosn.

Mind if I ask how much you picked it up for?
My Dad had one of those when I was a kid. Was Grey on grey. Like the styling or not, it felt like I was riding a couch on wheels.

Very comfy car!

What shade green is the interior? It all looked good, but the steering column screams of hospital walls for some reaosn.

Mind if I ask how much you picked it up for?

The interior is the same color more or less then the outside.


I bought it from Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) salvage for $135.00 CND. :D
Man, cars can be cheap, huh?

Nice score. 135, put in another 300 and you got yourself a decent set of wheels after you paint it up. That's awesome!
All done the fiberglass, spray on some rockergaurd and I'm done completely! :giggedy:

Now just to book my inspection!





