Sweet auction score!!!


Clear the track for Johnny Mac because I'm
72's, 73's, 74's manuals


68, 72, 73, 74 parts books!!!:dance::dance::dance::dance:

David01 and I went to Hanover, Ontario on Sat to see whats there.

both of us also picked up brake pads for our trucks- two front sets for mine for 20 bucks and a whole front and rear for his for 10 bucks!!!:dance:

it pays to checkout auctions!!!!!!:toot:


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Wow, great score Deputy! Those things go for ridiculous $'s nowadays. :clap:

Which and what kind of auction were you at?
Wow, great score Deputy! Those things go for ridiculous $'s nowadays. :clap:

Which and what kind of auction were you at?

We went to Hanover Chrysler,guess they were one of the many that bit the bullet because of the economy. They also had a small Mopar car show there...definately worth the drive, picked up a few items cheap. Lots of items no one even put bids on, couldn't even get 5 bucks for the stuff. There were a few things though, such as old PLYMOUTH signs x 3 that went for over $600.oo. The manuels were sold in bundels, on average $30.oo / bundle and later for $10.oo / bundle.
Neato! If that's the same "Compact" manual that I have (70's van chassis) That almost covers all the motor/trans/rear combo's that I care about :)

My best last week was a can of R-12 included with a do it yourselfer hose/tap for a quarter.
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yep- being going thru them- never had a parts book to go through- lots of parts had to go into building a car!!!!!:hmmm:

wish it was still available!!!!:hmmm:

