Russo and Steele Carnage pics..

Nope. Booty's been doing it.

What were you trying to post? Perhaps it was actually invalid.
grrr ok lets try this again then.....hmm the boards partialy eating my links....


Not sure what you pasted in, but only the one with [img] [/img] around it worked.
The url tags would have been added automatically and created just a link - and that's what happened.

I'll try one at a time and see how it goes... as newusertest
That's as expected.

now the same link with IMG tags

Broken - I would say that picasa is not allowing you to hotlink the image.

This is just a clusterf%&k:

That's two URLs nested one inside the other. That's just not going to work.

This last one is good. It creates a clickable image that will take you to the original image site.

and to your original question, I'll add a +1: What the heck is that?

Kinda Caddy/Lincoln-esque, with some early B-Body Plymouth/Dodge hints..
and it worked...

All I did was go to the picasa site, right clicked the picture and copied the link

then typed in [img] pasted the link and type the closing [/img]

Just the same as we've always done.

