Really really bad day. I'm not sure why it happened...


Tank driver
I have strong opinions about student's privacy rights in the school, especially when it comes to belongings that are confiscated or taken away from a student for a class period.
Today, my friend's cell phone beeped in class (text message). She noticed it quickly, and by school policy, took it away. Now NORMALLY, I would not have had a problem with this. But...she then proceeded to FLIP THE PHONE OPEN and look at the text message.

Now here is where I got involved. The following conversation ensued.

Me: Um, you really shouldn't do that. That can be considered an invasion of privacy.

Teacher: Oh really?

Me: Yeah. That text was meant not for you, but for Mike. That really isn't respectful.

Her: Oh really? Then why are you doing math homework in biology?

Me: (mutters expletive under breath) Uh--

Her: Hand it over.

Me: (hands over my friend Josh's notebook and hw, and puts my own work in backpack).

Her: I'll see you and Josh after class.

Then the whole class laughed, especially the slut who was sitting behind me.

*steps off soapbox*

Do you guys think that what she did was wrong, REGARDLESS of what I did?
*sighs* can't win against them. Man I wouldn't stress over it. Before you know it you'll be out of school and you'll forget about it as if it didn't happen. :)
Dopamean texts me from class almost daily, so not all schools like that ( she is at ASU but I know in high school it was the same )
actually the teacher was in the right. Hell in my years of school it was pieces of paper being passed around the class. Teacher found one he/she would read it out loud in class. *shrugs*

plus the cell phone should not be in the classroom in the first place. *shrugs*
I can see both sides on this issue. privacy is a concern but like DD said it is not much different from a not being passed around. I remember when the teacher could bust your ass(as in swats) any time they wanted to so count yourself lucky young man :toot:
dodgedifferent2 said:
plus the cell phone should not be in the classroom in the first place. *shrugs*
I agree. If it's brought to school, it stays in the locker. Everything can wait till class is over. There is no reason to have a cellphone if you're under 16 either. Above that age, it should be restricted to emergency use only (automobile breakdowns).
mopar_man said:
I agree. If it's brought to school, it stays in the locker. Everything can wait till class is over. There is no reason to have a cellphone if you're under 16 either. Above that age, it should be restricted to emergency use only (automobile breakdowns).

I find it funny that the eleventeen year olds carry them around. The government made quarters for a reason and they make a pay phone work.
In this day and age - with all the crap that goes on - I can see a good case for one of those "kid" cell phones.

They call them "cricket" here in Canada. Basically, the parents program in the allowed numbers and that's all that will work on it. Incoming or outgoing - as far as I know.

Perfect for emergencies and a few friends when they earn the right.

But there's absolutely no reason for it in the classroom and if it's there and it's being used, the teacher has every right - I'd even go as far as to say DUTY - to investigate what it is being used for. For this one simple reason alone: Text message - "You ready? Take out the teacher first."

Sorry, but that's the world we live in today.

My 14 year old has been bugging me for a cell phone. I just look at her and ask, "Where do you ever go that you'd need one?" She has no answer. Luckily for me, she's not a mall rat.

I do like the idea of her having a way to reach me when she's out n about in the neighbourhood. I've got the FRS two way radios that cover the distance between here and grandma's and one of her aunts'. She has no need to go beyond that range unless she's in the car with me or her mother. However, I realize that things will change soon and she'll need something better than a quarter or two in her pocket to reach me. Still, she's not getting a full blown cell plan until she can pay for it herself.
XLR8R said:
I have a cell phone. :shifty:
yes and you forgot to check in last night mister. You may be grounded and will have to stay in nut chat 24 hours straight:shifty: or let beeps spank you
teachers are trying to prepare and civilize students for the real world utimately. if a beep went off in a work setting /meeting you can imagine the reactions. the teacher hopefully reminded about the manners and professionalism involved and the secondary lesson about the hw thing. don't sweat the small stuff. there's a bigger picture to sweat.
No matter hoe ludicrous some laws or regulations are, they must be followed. Granted the teacher was in the wrong by reading the message and can get into mildly warm water for that. But cell phones are this generations mosquitoes and are a pest when people gather in study or relaxing situations. Your friend should have turned it off or left it in a locker. Sure forgot is a convienent word, and the Lord forgot to turn off the rain for 40 days and 40 nights and looked what happened there.
yeah. you guys are right. but at least it's over.

the only problem is that, because she caught me doing my math work in class, she told my math teacher, and i got 1/2 credit on the assignment.

good thing i'm not a bad worker.
Oh my god.... THIS is what qualifies as a bad a REALLY bad day in your world? Wow. Let's see what would I have called a REALLY bad day when I was in high school....

Oh yeah.... there was this one time... when we all had to leave the school because this kid that had left home sick died because it turned out his "cold" was really menengitis AND we had all been hanging out with him the day before and they told us we might die too....

and then there was this one time.... when two of my buddied decided to play chicken against another car and no one flinched...and everybody in the car was turned into hamburger....I guess THAT was a REALLY bad day...

oh yeah and then there was this other time... in junior year, where my friend was looking in his trunk at one of those highway gas stations and this drunk driver slammed into the back of his car and cut him in half...THAT was a really bad day....

Now I'm trying to think about the time one of my teachers yelled at me for fucking around in class.... hmmmmm no.. I can't remember that being a REALLY bad day....
Yeah the worst day I had in school was when I got the shit kicked outta THAT was a really bad day!!! Although Mannye has us both beat hands down! You got it easy kiddo. Learn that!

