new in the neighborhood

I think it was the small furry animals. Lets everyone know we have something in common. Now if I can just find where I put that duct tape..... [smilie=e:
dodgedifferent2 said:
wow a two page welcome ..

you must be pretty special ...i got one reply! [smilie=e:[/quote]

And I haven't recieved the check yet...(you promised prompt payment) [smilie=e:
If you're talking to me I assure you it's in the mail. And Kerry won't raise your taxes and Ron Regan is hiding with Elvis. [smilie=e:
Actually for DD2, he pays all of us royalties to reply to his posts... [smilie=e:
In my spam e-mail file today I got one titled "Man arrested for fondling a squirrel" I didn't think anyone was watching. Note to self .... Fondle squirrels at night...... [smilie=e:
I heard that it was your autograph on the picture not Big birds!
Welcome to the nut barn.
xlr8r said:
We have a barn? [smilie=a:[/quote] That's where we keep the still [smilie=a: [smilie=a: [smilie=a: [smilie=a: [smilie=a: [smilie=a: and the dancing girls [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=e: [smilie=e: Where have ya been under a rock? [smilie=e: [smilie=i: :D

Now you went and spoiled it, we're gonna get more rules... [smilie=e:
XL found out about the barn?[smilie=e:

Sonofabitch, now I need to look for a new hideout. [smilie=e:

