new in the neighborhood


As for locking up our small furry animals, ain't nothin they have not already seen 'round here. [smilie=e: [smilie=w:
Relax need for studdering ,i'm sure Bigbird didnt meant it about the furry animals, so you can keep yours hidden! [smilie=bunny.gif]
Welcome! Please feel free to show us you furry animals....mmmmmmmm, furrrrrrr. [smilie=e:
You brought small animals? [smilie=e: [smilie=e: [smilie=bunny.gif]

Keep them away from least untill I'm done with them.
BigBird said:
That's me but an old picture. Thin the feathers on top and make whats left gray and you got it.
Like this?
Perfect. Now put on a speedo and give me a hairy beer belly sticking out from under my too short dirty t-shirt and you'll have it. Yeeep Life has been berry berry good to me. [smilie=e:
BigBird said:
Perfect. Now put on a speedo and give me a hairy beer belly sticking out from under my too short dirty t-shirt and you'll have it. Yeeep Life has been berry berry good to me. [smilie=e:[/quote]
Hehehe, I'll have to leave that to the professional choppers here, just the grey hair took half the day to create. [smilie=e:

