New guy aboard


Well-known member
Hey all;

Just found ya. Thought I'd stop in an say hello here. Cars in the sig. No pics. Look foward to some new friends.
Yikes, quick response time. I took some time to locate my avatar and you posted before I got back.
(Not that I any good at this computer thing)
Don't blink, you will surely miss a good opportunity for something [smilie=e:
yes we all reply before 24 hours is up and there seems to always be someone hiding in the bushes

Welcome! Got food?
No, kids eat'em to fast. I'm getting thinner these days.
Welcome got beer?
Yep, I don't drink, well, not much anyways, so after every party I throw, theres lots of leftover beer that sits and sits and sits and sits and sits and......
Come take all you can carry. Last time I was stuck with a keg and a half. Took forever to dent the half drunkin one. Er, drankin one, er half empty one. I think I still feel the effects.... (Hick-up )[smilie=e:
74spaceduster360 said:
xlr8r said:
Welcome! Got food? [smilie=e:[/quote] Welcome got beer? [smilie=a: [smilie=a: [smilie=a:[/quote]

Don't worry about the beer, Spaceman made a promise to XL that he would buy the beer if XL started a chatroom. He's just trying to pawn his obligations off on the noobs.

Oh yeah, welcome to the Looney Bin, Straight Jackets optional.
Welcome got beer?
Yep, I don't drink, well, not much anyways, so after every party I throw, theres lots of leftover beer that sits and sits and sits and sits and sits and......
Come take all you can carry. Last time I was stuck with a keg and a half. Took forever to dent the half drunkin one. Er, drankin one, er half empty one. I think I still feel the effects.... (Hick-up )[smilie=e:[/quote]

well when you hang out here long enough beer is a major part of your life ... [smilie=e:
Hello n welcome.
I don't drink much either, so mind if I sell the free beer your given out for food [smilie=e:
Thanks all. I need a place to be different than the rest. Often I'll cruise otherboards reading and answering questions. Gets tired after awhile. Somedays it's the same ol'questions over and over. I don't mind answering them. The net is good. Before the net, it was "Get the F%^&( out of my garage. I got work to do.

Not A Duster; Forgot to address you directly, no Mr. thanks. Just call me rumble. Names Rob, ethier will do. Just not late for for the starting line or dinner please.

beeper*71 Centereach L.I. in New York

viking; Blood line runs where? I ride with one one weekends or whenever possible. Biggest damn Norse man I ever seen in person. Best looking/personality women I ever met was from Oslo. Miss her much. (Hi Alice!)

He's just trying to pawn his obligations off on the noobs.
LOL, Thats OK. New guy always pays in one form or another. LOL

XRuland LI'er huh? Where at? Nass or Suff?

Oh yeah, welcome to the Looney Bin, Straight Jackets optional you say? Many a freind have worn them. And there the ones calling me crazy. (No joke)

