My 71 Duster work in progress

Yes, but that doesn't make it unusable. It's a weird grind, though, for sure. That's a bunch of duration for such low lift.
I stored the lifters in the clamshell that my Howard's lifters were in so I could reuse it, or someone could.

Wow. You justify ridiculous expenses like I do. "Well, I don't have a carburetor. Might as well go Six Pack!" 😂
Well, you did sort of talk me out of going stroker on the 360.

To be honest I don't have a reason to do anything with the 400 block or parts. I don't expect to buy any more project cars, ever. If the A12 was a 383 car, then yeah I'd use it. But it's not and now that I have a good small block in the Duster it's useless to me.
Well at least you had a test drive or two, trying to follow along but most of it is way over my pay grade.
How are the treatments going, you hanging in there?
My car has turned into the lady in waiting, no call all week, which probably means it just sat with no attention!

