Mopar or no car? Well, sadly, it's gonna be no car.

Best of luck, I hope it turns out as best it can for you.

What xl said makes sense. (Wow. Never thought you'd see that, huh?)

And gio has the right idea about keeping everyone involved. Even if you're the leader, it's okay to ask everyone else's opinion. AS long as they know that it's up to you make the final decision. You just want to consider everyone's thoughts and feelings before you make it. That still leaves you in charge, but it helps take the pressure off. You don't have to worry about making a decision that someone won't like. Just the process of talking it through helps.
NAC, I feel the same way Beeper and NODDA do. You're a stand up guy, and that will enable you to make the right decisions. They'll be tough, but you'll do all right.
And don't forget to hang around here once in a while. :)
I think everyone here is on the same page with this, and I agree with all of them. You have to do what you have to do. Take it one day at a time, deal with one issue at a time. If the car has to go, so be it, it's just a car, and there will be others down the road (no pun intended).Remember we are here to listen if you need to vent, so don't become invisible!!!! Keep your outlook positive, and everything will work out.

P.S. here, use this feather on XL, he likes that (don't ask how I know)...
Sorry to hear of the bad news NAC. Seems like a rash of it is going around. It is an awfully heavy crown to wear being head of an extended family. Escpecially when you have to everything for all of the households. Hang tough NAC and you will see it through.
As for the car - it is just that a car. They made lots of them and you can get another when the time is right. Those are just possessions and can be replaced with money. and its the things that you cannot get with money that are the most valued.
Sorry about the bad news, NAC... Just keep your head up and don't forget to hang out here for some chits and giggles when ya need a break.

Best of Luck to ya :)
Man that really blows. (without knowing, I won't say more, wouldn't help anyway)

Thoughts are with you, man...


That really sucks NAC. but like the other guys said, its just a car. there are many things way more important, and family is one of them. I didnt realize that once before, and I regret it to this day. for what its worth, I think your probably making the best choice here.

Take care, and if you need to talk with someone, feel free to shoot me an email. I'll help if I can.
This may be the Nuts board, but I've seen a lot of "Moral Clarity" here not seen in a lot of places.

Insurance J...........

nevermind, chime in when ya can buddy [smilie=e:
Thanks for the thoughts, guys (and gals). There really isn't much I can do. I don't have to sell it, I suppose, but I will have zero free time for the next several years as a result of what's going on. I'm gonna take the money and put it in an interest-bearing account, and if my family needs it, I'll use it. If not, maybe I'll buy something else. Who knows?

The bottom line is, unfortunately, that the car will do nothing but take up space if I keep it. It deserves better than that.
It may be a better investment to hold on to the car, rather than sell now and accrue interest.

These Mopars rise in value every month [smilie=e:
Nah. Modified cars like mine don't appreciate in value nearly as much as stock, or slightly modified ones.

Not so much as a nibble yet, BTW. [smilie=e:
Presure makes Diamonds. I'm sure you'll make good decisions for your family. I wish you and your family the strength to get through.
Real sorry to hear about that NAC. I wish you and your family the best and I dont blame you for doing what you have to do. No matter how much we enjoy these cars the family has to come first. Ron

