Mopar or no car? Well, sadly, it's gonna be no car.

not a charger

Well-known member
Well, at least I didn't have to make the decision to sell or keep the Scamp. The decision was made for me. My mom and dad gave the rest of our family some truly awful, life-changing news on Wednesday night. As a result, the Scamp has to go.

I'm beginning to think that following everyone's advice to let it sit for a while would've worked, and my interest would've sparked again, but it doesn't matter.

I'm the oldest of 4, and the only boy. My sisters are looking to me for answers, and looking to me to lead our family through what is going to be an almost unbearable time. My parents are going to need lots of help, and possibly money, though the time committment they'll need is the reason I'm selling the car. I simply will not have any time to use it or enjoy it.

I'm 33 years old, and dammit, I'm not ready for this. I'm still learning how to be a good husband and father. Now, I've got to help out my folks, and be the head of the family. My sisters are all basket cases right now. My mom and dad can barely function. I almost cut a finger off at work yesterday because I was so friggin' distracted. I haven't slept in 2 days.

This sucks, and it's only going to get worse. I don't need this, and I don't want it...but none of that matters. This is the role I've been given, and it's one that I'll fulfill. The scariest thing is that, when it comes to handling the events that are bound to occur, I'm going to be the primary decision maker. My family will expect me to take the lead, and needs me to be right when I make a decision. There is no margin for error. I can't make any mistakes. I'm scared to death, but I can't show it, because they need me to be the rock.

Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do, and not what you want to do. I'm going to be in that boat for quite a while, starting with selling my car.

Thanks guys. Sorry to bring down the mood, if I did. I have to vent somewhere, and I can't tell anyone at work (many of my good friends are also co-workers), and I can't vent to my family.
I've been through such family situations, it's not easy but if you just take things as they come you'll find the pressure easing up eventually. Whatever you do, don't dwell on what might be, only deal with what is (if that makes sense).
That's too bad :( But if it has to be done, it has to be done. Care to share what the problem is so maybe some of us here can help you through it if it's happened to one or more of us before? If not, no pressure to tell us. Take that last line of advice that Bob said as well.
Been through a little of that in the last few years, I'm a bit older, ended up as executor of my aunts estate, like bob said deal with one issue at a time,I was petrified in the begining,but there's really not much you can change. Talk each issue over with the family & make the best decision you can, that's all you can do!
I will have my parents to deal with(hopefully not too soon) My father & mother are getting quite frail, we've been trecking out to LI every weekend to help out my mother in law.
If I needed the money the cars would go, but I've been lucky & it's not money but time they need now, so it makes that hour or two I can eek out for the car even more important to me, a place to go & do something to forget the "real life" issues for a little while!
Sometimes we do what we want to do, Most of the time we do what we HAVE to do, take care of the family(& yourself) Best wishes ,Rich.
Yah know what? when it comes right down to it, no matter how much we love em, they are only cars. When all is said and done, you are only summed up by your actions and your word. Sell the damn thing, bank some money and take care of the most important things, your family and your health. we are here whenever you need to vent, or just want a laugh. Good luck man!
And just cause you will have no car is no reason to pecker off. ;)
Hot rods and Harleys. They define our lifestyle, bank accounts and special interests. Every one of them is special and has a story to go with it. Basically they are an investment that you get to have fun with on the weekends. You were going to trip it anyway but now the situation has changed, you are being forced either by your good intentions or the advice of others to do so. If its any consolation at least you get to make some of these future decisions and not be dictated to by a bunch of lawyers and judges and watch EVERYBODY get a piece of the pie while your piece keeps getting smaller and smaller. Dont lose sight of who and what you really are because after its all been said and done, thats all we have. [smilie=e:
Well, I don't know if this will help, but I had to sell my minty-fresh 69 Road Runner convertible (with a/c!!) about 9 years ago for financial reasons.

I was sure I would never have such a great car again, but the situation made it impossible for me to keep the car. Lo and behold...time has a way of curing everything. I now have what has to be one of the cleanest and nicest RR verts out there!

There's always another car. You only have one family and in the end that's what's most important.
hope all becomes better for you and your family. cars are just material possessions. peace and sanity is the most important aspect of life. all the strength to you NAC. [smilie=e:
Sorry to hear of the hardship. Your a stand up guy nac and I'm hoping for the best for you and yours. [smilie=e:
hard times often require something to distract you from time to time ..think of it as "calming time" rusty knows what i mean
Sorry to hear aboot your situation with the family. the last 4 years my mom was alive my dad and i had to help take care of her she had macular degeneration due to complications from diabetes and when she lost most of her vision she pretty much gave up. It was really hard for her because she was an avid reader, and knitter. So I understand aboot having to help oot and i did what I could to help. Here's to hoping things getting better for you and your family soon. We'll be [smilie=e: for you, and take care of your family, but to forget to take care of yourself too.

Your friends,
Dave and Roxanne
Insurance jerk!!. J/k! [smilie=e:

Follow some of the other guys advice and take things as they come and please try to make your sisters be involved in the decisions that have to be made. Making them share in the decisions so no one feels left out will ease the pressure on you.
Best wish's buddy.
not a charger said:
giowest said:
Insurance jerk!!. J/k! [smilie=e: [/quote]
Maybe I should just push it in a lake and get the agreed value amount from my insurance company... [smilie=e:

Nah. [smilie=e:[/quote]

See?, your at least still keeping the humor part of you going, rub XL behind his left ear, funny as all get out! [smilie=e:
not a charger said:
Shane, I just can't right now. :( Even on the computer, it's too hard to talk about specifics.

Not a problem. You know my e-mail address if you need to talk later on.

