MOPAR GILRLY MEN- WHo explains crap to their wife?


OK, I have to vent, I get tired of these guys on other mopar boards who say" I JUST SPENT $200 on a great part find. Now how am I going to explain it to my wife". Get a sack already. Tell her you work hard and to leave you alone. Or get a girl who is glad you bought a $500 part for $200. Those gals are out there.

Or for you ladies out there, every time you buy a part for your car or what ever, do you feel the need to apologize for it??? You work or you are a housewife who works her tail off taking care of the house or kids. In either case, men and women of the Mopar world, DONT EXPLAIN ANYTHING!!!

LOL! I can't imagine having to explain parts....I sometimes have to explain cars, but they are harder to explain. :)
Wifey & I have had the same arrangment for over 20 years. As long as we each pay our share of the bills, what we do with what's left of our own money is up to ourselves.

She like to buy things for the vice is the car.
Not A Duster said:
Wifey & I have had the same arrangment for over 20 years. As long as we each pay our share of the bills, what we do with what's left of our own money is up to ourselves.

She like to buy things for the vice is the car.


Hey ...did you hear I finally won the 69 AM FM Thumbwheel? Ho am I going to explain the price to my wife???? (this is the right thread for that right?)[smilie=f:
I hear you LF. I've seen lots of guys that used to sport some kind of muscle, and then dropped it all when they got married. Big mistake. Most of these guys are devorced and/or very unhappy.
I've never had to explain my parts stuff. It's part of me. She married me in spite of it. Least I'm not a tank or a junkie.:shifty:
Foggy said:
I hear you LF. I've seen lots of guys that used to sport some kind of muscle, and then dropped it all when they got married. Big mistake. Most of these guys are devorced and/or very unhappy.
I've never had to explain my parts stuff. It's part of me. She married me in spite of it. Least I'm not a tank or a junkie.:shifty:

What's a tank?

Yep, same here. We dont do a "your money, my money" thing but after watching the AM/FM e-bay follies the last couple of weeks she has seen the light aboot some of these parts and understands what it takes sometimes to get them.
Husband and I are equally hopeless. Last night he dreamed we bought a '73 Road Runner, I dreamed we found a Challenger. I go to junkyards with him, we spent hours in the garage together, we plan day trips to cars shows, cruises, swap meets, and the drag strip. I find deals for him online, he does the same for me. It's actually quite pathetic, LOL, but we love it.
I admit it. I get into the discussion once in a while with my wife.

I usually win on the parts. I sometimes have to explain how much of a deal this or that is, but there's really no argument about spending the money. Except, she always asks, "How long until you're ready to actually put it on the car?" LOL! THAT logic wins all the time, but I'll still buy the parts if I know they won't rot on the shelf and it's a good price NOW.

She usually is right on the cars - and I totally agree with her logic. The money can be better spent and it's not like it's "extra" money. We're doing new windows on the house this year. Maybe the kitchen next year. Bathroom upgrade this year.

Her biggest worry is credit cards.

If I can pay cash for it, I just get a dirty look for about 10 seconds and maybe a kick in the arse, but then we're good.
If I want it I get it, same goes for Z and her gardening stuff. As long as the bills are getting paid what's the problem?
seems all of us here have Mopars as a big part of what makes us us. so since most gals are so smart, they hafta realize what goes with the territory and be glad their honey is not a tank. hee hee hee mannye
Hell, just set my retirement account back 30 or 40 years getting the first two through college, a little diversion is necessary, & she has no problem finding me :doh: I'm right in my own backyard , so 20 or 30 grand on cars, bah, whats another 5 years of work:rolleyes: , I should make retirement by the time I hit 108!(still got the little guy too!:helpme: )
I can deal with the occasional roll of the eyes & the private junk yard comments, other than that she's pretty cool about it! :shifty: Rich.
Yup, have to stick up for what you want or you will get run over. A spouse that would deny the others hobby/hobbies is not much of a friend. I do wish I had more of a Mopar wife, then I could get away with buying even more stuff [smilie=d:
OK....what the hell is a TANK?

Did he mean drunk? 'Cause then she's got TWO reasons to be mad at me:quaff:
Not A Duster said:
I believe that....guy would hafta be drunk to pay that much for a radio......

Half a bottle of Dewars 18 ... it's the only way to ebay!:bravo: you really don't want to think about it too much...
mannye said:
OK....what the hell is a TANK?



Tank Top:

