I made it back

I'll have'ta talk to my step-father, he's a Chief Warrant Officer(one bellow a General) and see what the specifics on Canadians and Iraq, S.F etc... this is, ummm...interesting? [smilie=e:

[b]how about some duty pics. [/b]
My brother-in-law is in the Canadian army also, he's in intelligence( a spy), and sent us some pics of him when he was posted in Haiti last winter, they're neat pictures to see.
Back again huh? Weren't you just there not long ago and came back again? I'd also like to see some of these pics of you over there.
Shane, you know how it is...they keep shipping yah back. Especially if you are Canadian. and have professional experience, right? Knock off the Canucks first! Start at the oldest! :)
I managed to avoid the draft... I put Great Stuff in the cracks around the windows, and changed all my entry-door seals. [smilie=e:
Pierre, they have even greater stuff to dodge the draft with now. It is latex, so you can wash your hands off after. Unlike Beeper, who wanders around for days going "smell my fingers?".
Dr.Jass said:
I managed to avoid the draft... I put Great Stuff in the cracks around the windows, and changed all my entry-door seals. [smilie=e:[/quote]

Done neeed no steenkin' door seals, we got a walrus.

THANKS! Ice [smilie=a: God bless!
Sorry I haven’t been around for a few days guy. Guess I have some explaining to do.

I tried to cross into Canada and the guys at the border noticed that I was 6'6 and 300 lbs with a bad back so they sent me into basic training. Now I'm a veteran wrestler.

