
Oh goody! Pissant is back!! Now I won't be the butt of the jokes for a while!![smilie=J::bwuhaha: :dance:
Oh goody! Pissant is back!! Now I won't be the butt of the jokes for a while!![smilie=J::bwuhaha: :dance:[/quote]

I thought it was MGS's turn on the hot seat? Perhaps Albert has grown and learned he has had time to think lets give him a chance.

I do not know about you all but with Albert and Dr Jass both gone it was a little less dynamic here I say welcome back but then I am the new PC Dr W.
AIN,T ASKIN who this guy is--- figured it out by listening to you guy,s already thanks..... and what happened to JASS?
hey fishy.... i think we're gettin a break now.... :huh: no way either of us could reach the magnitude of fucktarddom as this ass clown.... :clap:
I knew better than to open this thread, but I just couldn't stop myself from looking at the train wreck. Oh well, I may as well add to this one.
*puts on Foster's beer commercial voice*
Albert. Australian for queer.
I know it's weak, but the whole post left me kinda queasy.:(
More like drinking outdated beer. It goes against all rules of common sense, and you know you'll get the shits & a massive headache, but you do it anyhow. Such is an Albert thread.:doh:

:bwuhaha: Mind if I borrow this highly technical description of intelligence?
say, when was the last time creeps logged in.

he seemed to be worse than I was. and I admit: I'm not the greatest post-maker
I dunno. everytime I think of your sweeeet mouth I get a post....

ah comeon.....I had to.
Now, MM! that is just cold. Like Creeps bed after Albert rolled out....

I joke. I love yah Al....love yah I tell yah.....*unzips*
oh and i see you can get logged in from the hospital xl... or did they let you out of the padded room?

i hope they sewed your leg back on right... or was that left?

