Gee, you meet the nicest people at car shows...NOT!

I found that the worst "critics" are nothing more than "know-it-all-wannabees" that probably drove there in a borrowed, rusted citation.

Ignore the a-holes, cuz you know that the sweet sumbich that you're showing belongs to you. [smilie=c: [smilie=w:
We took the gTx to a cruise/show this weekend in Wheelersburg OH. Over 300 cars showed up. :)

We got to park the car right along the main drag. Left the hood down, but the airgrabber open. We didn't hang around the car, but every time we'd swing by, there was someone checking it out. The funny part was the people looking into the airgrabber trying to figure out what engine we have in it. I guess they wanted to know if that thing's got a hemi in it.

