John Roberts thought it was just an ordinary Friday evening. The Rotonda West, Fla., resident was on his way back home when his son Wes called from Indiana, where John had raised his family before moving to Florida. “I talked to him for a minute and then he said I’ll call you when you get home,” Roberts recalled. “I thought that was a little strange. He had me on the phone and I was thinking, ‘Why don’t we just talk now.’ We always talked on the phone once a week and I didn’t think anything of it …
“So I get home and pretty soon I hear a rumbling down the street and I look up and there’s this Li’l Red Express truck coming toward the house. It pulls in and Wes is driving it! He got out and said ‘Hey Dad, this is your truck.’ Geez, I get choked up even today thinking about it. I said, ‘Wes, what are you doing here with this truck?’ He said, ‘It’s yours. The truck is for you.’ I said ‘I can’t afford this,’ but he said, ‘You don’t owe me anything. The truck is yours.’
“He just decided to do something nice for his dad.”
The red pickup was the same one that the pair had checked out in Muncie, Ind., several months earlier when John headed north for a visit. John was blown away by the wonderful condition of the truck and knew the asking price was “a steal,” but still couldn’t bring himself to write out the check and take the truck home. “I just couldn’t pay that much money for a toy for myself,” he lamented. Roberts had to pass on the truck, but he still talked about it occasionally and one day Wes decided to see if the truck was still available. “He’s a big Mustang guy and I was helping him look for one, and then he called me one Sunday afternoon and asked me for the number of the guy that was selling the Li’l Red. He said he just wanted to call the guy and see if he still had it.”
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