2 months till behind-the-wheel.

Im going to be 18 in two months...

... and I'm just about to lose mine :(
Congrats on losing it there lil man. Wait until its like the 5th or 6th time and see how it feels. Oh and Albert- see if XL will let you borrow his *air bags*:bwuhaha:
Good luck Al!

I had my drivers license for about 3 months and I smashed my dad's car into little bits.

I ran his '91 Ford Tempo into the back of a '86 F-150 at about 55mph. (Yeah it kinda hurt but I wasn't killed because I always ware my seatbelt!)

Stupid farmer in front of me hit the brakes cuz he missed him turn. :doubt:
losing a lisence is all part of the young driver learning about driving. Its perfectly acceptable to lose your liscence at least once. (so my mother told)

No i have to go defend my lisence in court smell yas later
i dont know why but the laws were different when i was a kid. 15, down to the dmv i go. no learners permit, no drivers ed class, just take a written, eye and driving test and i was free to drive :) congrats on the birthday! time to practice parallel parking :bwuhaha:
I guess so.

Eye test is tomorrow, should be getting the call from the instructor next week. :)

But...this has been ONE BAD WEEK. My friend's grandpa died on Sunday, and last night, my grandma's best friend's husband (I knew him well) died in a hospital.
I lost my cool today after a projectile landed in my eye.
Thankfully, I can still see. I can see well enough to find the nitwit and lynch 'im.
Scratch the thought of losing my license... i struck a deal with the DA :)

I have now gotten away with 2 20+ mph tickets and another ticket for having too many people in my car while having a probationary license. here I am still driving... good luck must run in the family?
Da-ho said:
You silver tounged devil you. Youre goin to law school right?:clap:

Like the world needs another one?

No thanks... Imma be a Mechanical Engineer, and when im the lead Engineer at DCX I'll finally show what a real car is made of.
Yeah im really lucky. In wisconsin on a probabtionary any ticket after your second doubles your points. Accumulate 12 points in any 12 month period and you get suspended for 6 months.

First Ticket: 20 mph over - 6 points. Challenged it.. lowered to 11 over, 4 points
Second Ticket: 20 mph over (In the wagoon) - 6 points, doubled to 12 points. Challenged it... lowered to 9mph over, 3 points (6 doubled). The judge was a car guy :D.
Took Traffic safety... 3 points back.
Third Ticket: Too many people in the vehicle with a probationary license - 3 points (6 doubled). Lowered to "Impeding Traffic" - 2 points.

Mind you all these were in a 9 month span. I accumulated 24 points, here i sit with 11 on my record :). I have to have a clean record for the next 5 months to keep my license tho :(.
Oh I think a sixer and a trip to the local burger joint/mall /kids hangout with the wagoon is in order. Just dont tell dad unless you want to DIE.:bwuhaha:

