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Way to go man, some day you will drive it on the road.

I have in someway converted to hotrods. Got a -29 Model A Ford Sedan (yes it sucks but try to find an old mopare here....) on a new -32 chassie with a -55 331" Hemi, a Chevy 350 tranny and a shorted rear axle from a -67 Mustang. The front axle is new but it looks like an orignial that have been dropped 4" and it got Camaro disk breakes and i may need it couse the engine wights about 700 pounds.....
In the back i gonna use a new fourlink set with Jaguar Coilovers.

Thats the fun thing, you find a piece here and another there and in the end you got youreself a car that is unique, that is built by you!

But im still in the collecting phase, nothing is put together yet but im hoping that i will be driving the rod next summer, even if i maybe havent got time to lower the roof 3" at that time.
And i still got the chally, with broken tranny.:doubt:

Have fun
Not quite, still gotta get the interior done.
Por 15, why yes just bought some, been messin with a few parts off the 74 to keep busy while I save up for the interior stuff, but it does drive, move it around the yard every couple a weeks to charge the battery & keep the rust off the brakes. Rich.
Howdy Rusty!

Is the car comleated yet? need any more POR 15?

Talk to you later

Hey dude, long time no..seen? :)

Im in to ho rods now, couldent get any late -20 or early -30 mopar here to build on (kinda rare) so i building on a model A Ford (yeah i know i sucks but WTF), anyway its still a mopar, couse the engine is a -55 331 HEMI! This rod gonna rock!
Still got the Chally but the trans gone south 2 weeks ago.

Im gonna try spend some time here but i miss the pack
Hasta la vista amigo!
Rob Potter NEVER gets rid of his pics! It's what he does. I'm 99.9% positive he will have something.
Got all the grass cut, now I'm pooped! LOL.....
Thanks again Lynda, will be looking forward to it. Lets hope Rob didn't throw any pics away, fingers crossed. Oh, and don't over do it on the grass cutting thing....LOL. David
Hi David,
Well, I got Rob Potter's e-mail from a friend, and I just shot him a line about pics of the Golden Opportunity. So, hopefully within the next few days, I'll have some for you. Gotta go and get back out to cut more grass before it gets stinkin' hot again!
Whew! It was a hot couple days, wasn't it? But well worth it! That's totally weird about your old Chally........happy for you! Hope you can get it back (without having to mortgage your house! LOL.....). I will go and check out your MF album.
BTW, I have started the proceedings to find you some pics of the Golden Opportunity. Will PM you when I get some more info, 'kay? Was great to meet you and 71Deputy, and Project74. Talk soon....
Hi Lynda, hope you had a great, HOT, day at the fest. Sorry I left you in such a hurry, I think you were busy buying 50/50 tickets. I wasn't thinking straight for the rest of the day after seeing my old Chally R/T convert., after 16 years. It was like seeing an old girlfriend that you were in love with and all those feelings came rushing back. LOL I still have the shakes. I'm going to keep in contact with the owner and try to buy the car back if I can. I think he might want more than the $10,000 that I sold it to him for. I'm going to open a new album for Moparfest and you'll be able to see the car there. Take care and say 'hi' to Mike for me. David
Come on Shawn...where's your photo album, you need to start one up. Are the Chally's done yet? LOL
Getting there. Mike, is stealing time in between the cloudbursts.
He's finding some really messed up stuff left by the previous body guy. I think the frustrating thing is that it's not impossible to fix, but it's very time consuming and all the while, you're shaking your head and asking why it was messed up like that when it could have been done right with probably less effort.
Wherever you are, I hope you're having a great birthday... you're a quarter of a century old!! :dance: Have a good one, man.

