

Well-known member
Thought I'd share my excitment with you guys. :) I officially have a business! A non-profit organization called the "Palouse Autism Society". It was developed to support families who are affected by autism in my surrounding communities. This will give parents a social network for emotional support, school and therapy advise and offer finacial support for those who are struggling to offer the best care for their children. Money from the fundraisers I'm organizing will go towards therapy equipment, toys, educational purposes and family gatherings. In the future I want to set up an autism camp during the summers, and take everyone on a trip to wild waters, etc...
I know this may seem petty and realize millions of people hold business, but for the first time I feel I have a purpose other than being a wife and a mother to my two boys!
That's absolutely fantastic, Liz. I'm very excited for you on this, and very proud to say I (sorta) know such a person. I don't know that I could be as strong as I know you must be, much less so proactive. You deserve the highest respect and praise that I can offer.

You go, girl! :clap:
Most excellent news, Liz.

And, no, It's not petty in the least. You should be proud.
How come this doesn't suprise me at all:rolleyes:

You Da Bomb Liz, anything us close by trogladites can do to help don't be afraid to ask:cool:
Our hats are off to you Liz. With your hands as full as they are, you are still able to reach out and do more. Cudos to you.
Them youngins just received a good ally. Congratulations, you are to be admired and respected. Good luck.
Thanks everyone, I am excited yet nervous. :) Our first group meeting was held on June 14th. Five other mothers had shown up happy to hear there will be a support system. Afterwords I had gotten 5 phone calls from parents saying they couldn't make it to the meeting but wanted to join.
The doors are opening for me in ways that I can't believe is happening. One of my friends who have two boys that are on the spectrum has secretarial experience and offered her services. Her mother is a business consultant which she called me last night asking for information. Within an hour and 1/2 she calls me back giving me the news! And she offered to do our taxes at no charge. I'm in a stage of shock right now. I'm getting support from other resources and its all happening very quickly!

I was recently given the responsibility in organizing our car show. (Some of you may have read/replied to my other thread about this). The car show will be a fundraiser for our autism group. The show is called, "Classy Chassis for Autism". We'll be asking for donations instead of charging an entry fee. Me among other car artists will donate some of our work to try to sell. I'm excited to see how that turns out.

I'll keep you all informed, and I appreciate your encouraging words! You've been my friends for quite a while, so your input means a lot. :)
Right on Liz! That's cool you get so involved in a good cause. Wish you the best of luck with it! :):clap::clap:
Congratulations Liz and Thank you!! My son has a very mild form of autism, he has asbergers syndrome, he has a very hard time in social situations with kids his own age. It can be very difficult some times for him in school, though we are lucky because he attends public school with only needing a one-one aide for help in class. But thank you again for doing such a great job by running such a wonderfully helpful group for other families with autistic children.
Hey Liz, do you watch America's Got Talent?
There was a kid on there the other night that could sing up a storm. They were talking to the parents and he's got what they called mild autism.
Pretty interesting story and the kid can sing very well - basically started singing at the same time he started talking.
Congratulations Liz and Thank you!! My son has a very mild form of autism, he has asbergers syndrome, he has a very hard time in social situations with kids his own age. It can be very difficult some times for him in school, though we are lucky because he attends public school with only needing a one-one aide for help in class. But thank you again for doing such a great job by running such a wonderfully helpful group for other families with autistic children.

Thanks Mrs. Bee... :)
It's a big hurdle, but it's desperately needed in our area. My son has a one-on-one aid, they are nice. I tried to put him into a dev. preschool last spring, but in a way I'm glad he isn't. I think putting him in a regular classroom will have better influence. Eventually your son will become better in social settings with his peers, just takes time. :)
Hey Liz, do you watch America's Got Talent?
There was a kid on there the other night that could sing up a storm. They were talking to the parents and he's got what they called mild autism.
Pretty interesting story and the kid can sing very well - basically started singing at the same time he started talking.

I havent' seen the show, but many kids on the spectrum have some form of talent, particularly in the arts. From what I've read autistics like the arts because they have such a hard time communicating and expression, they use arts as a way to express themselves. People like 'Rain Man' who are rare are called savonts (sp?). Interesting though, many kids who have recovered (to a degree) from autism lose their talented ability--kinda strange.

