"Why the hell did I buy this?!"


Pastor of Muppets
So, this week's vacation has been centered around house cleaning.

Step one was to ship Curious V off to Uncle Scott's house, because I can accomplish very little with the dog around. Also, she's still shedding which adds to my workload.

Step two was to rid myself of all the cardboard around here. This is not an insignificant task, since I do much of my shopping online, both for parts I can't get through work and daily-living stuff. The weather has not been cooperative with my plan of burning it, leaving me with an enormous pile of cardboard in the kitchen I can do nothing with at the moment. It's not easing my situation at all. So, I moved on to...

Step three, cleaning all the dirty laundry. There's a lot, since Valentine likes to build a nest each night with my clothing. Some of it has holes--she wraps shirts around bones to chew on them, inexplicably--and some no longer fits. Once everything's clean, I'll determine what is kept, what becomes rags, and what goes in the trash. I'm about halfway through that now. While that's running...

Step four is to identify and find a place for all the auto parts littering every single corner of my house. There's an Edelbrock Victor next to the front door, and another kitty-corner from it in the living room. A set of W2 cylinder heads is next to the couch, with another set along the wall and my prototype heads Trans Am (W1 castings) sitting on the kitchen floor.

Step four is the reason for this post. Holy shit. I literally need an inventory-tracking system so I stop buying redundant shit. This became evident when I opened the third box of NOS mechanical valve gear for LA engines (early 273 rockers). I have at least five sets of used ones, one of which belongs to 71ChargerRT (and I really need to ship out, among other things). How many NOS LH MP/Crane W2 intake rockers does a fella need? Not including those in sets, I have at least 8. I have more sets of W2 intake valves than I have W2 heads. I found the Hawk brake pads and cross-drilled/slotted rotors for the Challenger... then I found the other set of Hawk brake pads and cross-drilled/slotted rotors for the Challenger. Mostly-complete A833 rebuild kit with NOS synchros? Yep... thank God I've got another coming. There's four Timken 23-spline clutch release bearing assemblies and three NOS 18-spline versions. I've even got two NOS AC heater valves for my Challenger--a one-year-only part, so I'm happy to have a spare. Spare taillamps for the Challenger, never mind that the ones on the car are perfect. How many Rim Blow steering wheels does a guy really need? Apparently six, if you count the repro one I finally bought. One came with the Valiant, and it's doin' time in the Challenger at the moment to facilitate moving it, should that need arise. It's the worst one I own.

Then there's the shit that's going to require me looking up the part numbers, because I'm not sure if they're for Agnes, the Challenger, the Imperial, or just because they were a good deal and I hoarded.

I won't even get into the audio gear, of which I'd actually started to keep inventory about a year ago. There's more 1988-'91 Alpine gear here than most, if not all, dealers had in stock at any given point back then. There's also at least 10 early Nakamichi car PA-3xx amps--the stuff built in-house and designed by Nelson Pass, not the later Zapco stuff (but I have one of those, just for good measure). They've got impossibly good specs.

I also now have a better understanding of why I have such difficulty finding tools in the garage, huge mess notwithstanding... about half of 'em are in here, buried under other stuff. Hell's bells.

Hopefully the weather will cooperate tonight so I can rid myself of much (or all) of this cardboard and packing material. It's really holding up the whole show. I can't even attempt to clean up dog hair, of which there's literal snowdrifts in corners and under furniture. By the time I finish, the basement that used to look like an auto-parts store is going to look like an auto-parts warehouse. Sheesh.

Oh well, the washer stopped... time to work on Step Three some more! 😂
Fill the boxes with dog hair to save space.;) If you can't burn them, I'm off the next two days you know. I will be making a dump run ( I can easily swing by and grab your stuff too.) along with a lumber yard run if you need shelf building supplies. The three I built for the new garage are full. I will likely need some building supplies anyway. My plan is to get after the old house over the next 4 days. Let me know what you want to do.
The boxes aren't really conducive to quick filling. They're either small, or narrow USPS Priority Flat Rate boxes. What I need is one big box into which I can stuff all the smaller shit.

You'd never know it from looking, but all four of my garbage cans were at the alley today, absolutely full. I'm sure I'll fill 'em again by the time this is over. :LOL:
Side note: No way is anything going to happen in the garage. Between the weather and biting off more than I can chew with the house, it's just not happening.
I actually found an empty Scott Shop Towel case in my basement. Well, I knew it was there but I'd forgotten aboot it. Plenty big for what I need... but where was that box in the picture when I needed to ship my dash pad?! 😂

Still concentrating on moving parts into the basement, I came across the NOS, '70s-era Direct Connection W2 race rocker stands I bought last year for like $70. Yeah, two guesses as to the drilling. Of course they're .180" offset! I've had them longer than the $250 Harland Sharp pieces but never even realized they were offset-drilled. That'll learn me.
Now I have the new shop and a bit of space...;)...I'm keeping my eyes open for a 71 Charger myself. My dream car is a 71 Superbee and there was one here fairly local to me in B5 with a B5 interior, 340/auto with a factory N96 air grabber and Elastomeric bumpers! Needed a full resto but was pretty much all complete. Guy never returned any of my messages and the ad was pulled down the other day so no idea if it sold or what. :(
My dream car is a '71 Charger SE, A4 Light Gunmetal w/black canopy vinyl, 440/4-speed, 3.54 Dana. They built less than 40 of 'em, so my odds are slender of finding the real deal. There was one on eBay a couple of years back for $32K; I really should've bought it. It was "done", but done wrong and needed some corrections... but a good car overall.

In other news, I found three sets of gears, one of which I knew I had... NOS 3.55s for the 741/657 (small pinion case), which had been in the box in the kitchen for about 4 years. Yesterday I found a set of barely-used 3.91s for a 742 case that I seriously do not remember purchasing, and 10 minutes ago I found another set of 741/657-case 3.55 gears, also NOS.

Note to self: Quit buying gears. I've got to have at least 10 sets between 2.76 & 4.10.
Keep at 'er. The hardest part is throwing chit away that you "might need some day". What usually happens is when you need it, you can't find it, so you go buy a duplicate, and then lose that too. One day in the near future, you find the first lost item and smack your forehead.

I'm about to tackle one of the sheds. It's full of things I shoved in there during our move. Most of it is junk, the rest has to find a spot or it goes to the dump as well.

Have two wall shelves for seasonal tire changes to go on a wall, but don't want them in the garage, so will see if they fit in a shed. If they don't, will return for refund.
When I was packing up for the move up North I had parts and pieces stashed everywhere around the house, shed, attic, crawl space etc. I had totally forgot that I had bought a 4spd Bellhousing and all the related items for a 440...one day my wagon might get a manual trans swap since I picked up C-body 4spd pedals, Z-bar, linkage and hump at a swap meet in WA state 20 years ago for $50. ;) :D
It bears mention that moments ago I found a set of SRP forged +.030" 340 pistons new in the box in a part of the basement untouched last year. I knew I had a set of +.020" for my Challenger engine, as well as a set of Wiseco forged +030" 318 pistons purchased for a previous iteration of the turbo engine, but the larger SRPs were a surprise.

I must've bought them years ago... I don't recall doing so, but I thank my younger self since now I've got 340 blocks coming out of my ears.
I'm actually doing this right now with a square to spread bore carb adapter...I'm sure I have one somewhere, but for the life of me I cant find it. Found a square bore to square bore spacer which I could crudely grind into what I need I guess...or spend the $50 for the correct piece.

