WHOOHOO!!!!!! Senators Win


Well-known member
This is friggen great if your a sens fan like our family :clap: . we eat & breath hockey all winter & now after beating Buffalo :giggedy: were heading of to the Stanley Cup finals.:giggedy: :giggedy: :giggedy: Lori, my wife & i figured we watched about 74 games out of the 82 game schedual this year. When Ryan got married in Febuary we had the sens game on several big screens at the reseption:naughty: . lol.

Now we wait for the winners of the red wing vs ducks. a little rest for the boys is well desirved.

GO SENS GO!!!!!!!
Well, I'm a Leaf fan (insert laughter here), but I am very happy that the Sens are in the finals. God knows the Leafs can't get there. :(

Go Senators Go!
i am like restoman ... leaf fan to heart, but come to playoffs. Die hard canadian teams fan

lets go ottawa

