Who was the genius that invented...


Divorced Bird
Friggin cardboard-like composite intake gaskets. :finger: I'd like to have em out at my place to help me remove the ones stuck to my 23k mile RV 360. Scraping them has been NO FUN! I'm to the point that tomorrow I'm dropping paper towels into the ports, throwing a trash bag into the valley area and going after em with a big ole wire wheel on my angle grinder. Should be interesting.

Also who was the genius that decided to make NYLON timing gears? Mine arent all broken up yet, the gear is in good shape actually, which proves my motor is low miles. But there is a MILE of slack in the chain. :mad: Yeah thats a good design genius! I was going to leave it alone but since dumb me broke a hole in the top of the cover :doh:(dont ask, last friday, horrible day :sick:), I had to get in there. Good thing I did!

Anyway my rant is over, carry on!
Soak the gaskets down with something like wd-40 or liquid wrench and use a razor scraper.
I grind a chisel end onto a "real" gasket scraper like this

a couple love taps with a baby hammer will usually lift enough that it starts peeling up.

are the cat's ass in an angle grinder when you get down to the scaly adhesive junk. If you see sparks you're doing it wrong.

The nylon gears? well that was just stupid:(, I think the main reason was for noise reduction.
I hear you on those intake gaskets...I must have spent 4 back breaking hours scrapping those off my low mile 360 in my 87 ram....:mad:
I concur with the 3M disks. They are the best. go to any decent parts house and ask for the 3M "oatmeal cookies". You will need a tool for them, but its cheap enough and well worth the investment. Hell, if you were near the house, I would give you a few.
Well I took care of mr. gasket all right, the farm store didnt have any wire wheels but they did have a flap disk. Put that sucker on my angle grinder and went to town. The only bad thing is is that it left little "shavings" of gasket on unprotected surfaces. I cleaned it up as best as I could and threw it back together. Figured it would all end up in the pan and I'll do a quickie oil/filter change once the truck is on the road.
The first clue that this was gonna get silly was Jamies use of the word genius in the title. Dead giveaway right there. :D
A flap disc? Don't bet on the gaskets ever sealing again. I use those things to grind down welds, for God's sake. :doh:
That's what silly-cone is for.
All those little chunks of cubic zirconia coursing through things like bearings and related surfaces make the point moot though.
A flap disk? Are you kidding me? Holy Phock man! You should stick to changing engines out when there’s a problem. It least that way there’s a slim chance that the car may run again.

