Wheel program ?


Well-known member
I was at LesSchwab, and they have this "arcade " looking comp that will show you dar , side shot , with as many wheel types on it .that they have in inventory.
Are there any programs like that on the net? :hmmm:

Whay do you think of these wheels?

they come in a 16 x 10.


  • DC1_WheelLg.jpg
    26.2 KB · Views: 4
Nice. I pretty much like most of the stuff that's not 20+bling. The great thing about Les is that they are as common as McDonald's on the west coast. I think they just passed 400 stores recently, so no matter where you go, you can get your tires fixed for free.
Doesn't work on any of my computers... go through the OK and Enter screens, then just plain grey. :(
Don't worry about it.

It's frustratingly slow. I gave up. 'twas no longer any fun.
lol try fliping thru the scwab setup...the only A-body is a 70 dart...there "pick"s of cars to use is just dumb...course the chevy camp has all of them go figure

