We're up to date


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
Happy now, Albert?! [smilie=k:

The only thing that didn't make it was Chat. Don't worry. I'll get one hooked back in soon enough.

The nice thing about this upgrade is that it will open up a bunch of opportunities for us to add features without making futre upgrades a pain in the butt and things won't get turfed in the process. For example, the next time we have to do an upgrade, we wouldn't lose chat. :cool:

Let me know if anything went bye bye on ya. I still ahve all of the info backed up...
Was there a surprise upgrade??? I didn't get the memo. Hey, by the way the did the new banner eat the chat?
The chat went by the wayside with the upgrade. That was a known element of the process, but we did the upgrade anyway.

The Chat software only worked with the old version of the board software and development is going to stop on it soon. So, we'd have to find a new chat system anyway.

I'm working on something to replace it.

The banner is all new - but with the old pics..

Not sure what's going on with the smilies - they are there just as always.

What new post don't show?!? I see it happening. Even in my regular test account with regular access.

PERHAPS this is the problem:

Remember how the forums would show that there were new posts in them even though you just went in and read all of the threads?
Well, that was a known problem and it was because the "Update the status" piece was based on cookies on your computer.

Well, this new version has an option to not use cookies but to update things in real time based on changes to the database.

You might be seeing things based on your cookie rather than the database - because the board is not updating your cookie anymore.

SOooooo, what that means is if you logout of moparnuts with the "Logout" button at the top right, your cookies should get cleared.
When you log back in, you should be in sync.

