Website commercials to work at home


Pastor of Muppets
These things proliferate the airwaves these days... "Visit this website to make thousands at home!" and the unconvincing actor testimonials pushing them. Sure, they're annoying, but I'm always entertained by one aspect of them:

They never say the word "dollars". Think about it... and the next time one comes on the air, listen to it.

"Two years ago I had no money... this year I shoiuld make over a quarter of a million!"

"My goal for next year is fifty thousand a month!" Fifty thousand, not $50,000.

They spew out these huge numbers, but never say what the numbers indicate. A quarter of a million pennies is $2500... nothing to quit the day job over. :hmmm: I can say I've gone over 200, but that number of feet per minute can be accomplished on foot. :D

Ah, the subtle nuances of advertising...
So, I'm not going to be able to retire next week?

*frantically dials boss' number*

"No! No! I said 'You FORK' I was complimenting your table skills."

