Ugly Times 1000


Driving around in circles and
Was stumbling around the internet and i fell upon this pic... momma says "if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all" so I aint go much to say [smilie=e:

Its a bird, its a plane, no its SUPERUGLY!! The local dealership has called me 3 times now to come and *try one oot* [smilie=e: barf me out the door charlie [smilie=e:
at last weekends mopar national IHRA drag races in grand bend they actually drove one down the track at slow speed to show off (puke) their new pride. i as well as others bood it.

youse guys are gonna hate me when I buy one in a couple years after the initial depreciation's over and done with . [smilie=2:
I hate to think what's gonna happen to me if I get one of their promo cars for the summer....

I think I'm up for the abuse. I drove a beige 74 LeSabre in my late teens.
well looking its a bent benz [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=b: [smilie=e: [smilie=e: [smilie=e:
Oh sure, diminish a Benz too. Sheesh. It is okay....not my thing, but it is okay. Just the wrong damn name!
Dunno, a few minor corrections & it would be ok, rally wheels with BIG rubber, take out the post & weld over the rear door, put a cuda grille up front , ahhh never mind I'll build my own damn car! [smilie=e: Rich.
69x9x9 said:
DCF,how could it be worse? your company furnishes a Ford tortoise now?,remember?

And that is one of the primary reasons I'm using to rationalize driving this sucker around all summer - IF I get picked to do so.

I expect the car will be a blast to drive - and when I'm sitting behind the wheel, I can't really see the pig snout, can I?

