Well-known member
:bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: I TRIED TO THRO A YO-YO AWAY AND IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE:bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :doh: ------oh what do i do i am perplexted hahaha--hey FISHBOY help me outORVIL:confused:
I tried to explain the rules of "to and fro" to the dog but she ain't listening.

Dog: <dumb look>

Me: I 'FRO da ball and you bring it TO me ya know too and 'fro too and fro.

Dog: <dumb look>
I know how you feel. i used to play horse shoes , and i had to quit . them horses are HEAVY to throw and they don,t walk back either. i need a new sport . hows is MIDGET tossing ? do they come back FO MO FUN? YO-YO,S are up and down :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :Fresh Meds: ORVIL
CAN,T WAIT FOR FISHBOY TO SHOW UP----hahahaha--i had to do it --it was to good to pass up haha-----ORVIL
I've got an ex-wife I've been tryin' ta throw away for years.....keeps comin' back...[smilie=l: [/SIZE]
ORVIL said:
I know how you feel. i used to play horse shoes , and i had to quit . them horses are HEAVY to throw and they don,t walk back either. i need a new sport . hows is MIDGET tossing ? do they come back FO MO FUN? YO-YO,S are up and down :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :Fresh Meds: ORVIL

I don't think these are regulation Midgets, although it does look like fun :bwuhaha:
I once had a dog named Go Away. I had to give him up do to stress. He would never listen whne I called him.... "Come here, Go Away! Come here, Go Away!"
I have told you about VERN a friend of mine/ he had a dog that was so mean his fur wouldn,t stay on. and MEAN/ so when that nosey neihbour of mine was walking thru the neibourhood this DOG which is retarded (really-great garage dog tho) come firing of at the end of his chain.and when this dog barked cats hair stood on end 5 miles away. anyway the goofball wants to pet the dog and i said no. so he wants to know his name. Vern says ASKEM. this guy calls him buddy pooch and so on and then when he figured it got pis$ed off. whats wrong with people? but he never went near the dog again. finally sent it to a fam where it picked on a combine. yup he came in 2nd.
one queer :eek: :naughty: says to the other queer --you got herpes 2 ??:giggedy: :eek: [smilie=2:
JesusChrysler said:
What'd the Leper say to the Hooker?

"Keep the tip"

oh man

:bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha:I am sooooooooooo telling that at work tomorrow!!!!!! :bwuhaha::bwuhaha::bwuhaha:

ANNUAL LEPER HOCKEY GAME( put on every year for the society) was played last Thursday. the referees had to stop the game because there was a face-off in the corner..and the same happened at the game of the ANNUAL LEPER FOOTBALL GAME which was the final game of the year because there was a hand-off at the 20 yard line.. They met their budget this year for both sports hands down...:doh: --ORVIL:Fresh Meds: WHATS ON THE BACK OF MY HEAD? CHECK it out when i am swinging thanks

