The New Yorker.


Hiding In The Bushes While
You guys already know the story so.

This is what I bought.
'79 New Yoker, 360, leather, 50,000 mile car.... blah blah.. :D





Here's where I am right now.




Will post more pics of the progress.:shifty:[smilie=f::D
ugh green on green...even the gut screams 80s lincoln lol

So? :D

The interior screams 80's Chrysler to me? :wtf:
LOOKS like an upolstered rollerskate to me---vintage volkswagon or somthing that got carried away on a body job:bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: got hit by a truck you say --- might have to use MACK tools on it:huh: gov. car eh? fed up with it yet?:bwuhaha: couldn,t helpit guy,s sorry:bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha:
I don't mind the front end or rear end too much,:shifty: it the friggin back doors :dgt: that are the kicker for me. Are they interchangaeable with a Dippy or something, cuz those things are hideous. I do like the green/green/green combo... You'll look like a white pimp rolling around in that thing, maybe I'll give my Puerto Rican buddy up and see if he still has those 15X8.5 in gold Daytons still laying around for you:bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha:
I don't mind the front end or rear end too much,:shifty: it the friggin back doors :dgt: that are the kicker for me. Are they interchangaeable with a Dippy or something, cuz those things are hideous. I do like the green/green/green combo... You'll look like a white pimp rolling around in that thing, maybe I'll give my Puerto Rican buddy up and see if he still has those 15X8.5 in gold Daytons still laying around for you:bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha: :bwuhaha:

I wish there were replacements for the back doors but.............:huh:

Maybe a Grand Fury!? I doubt it. :huh:

Gonna put some nice Police wheels on it or somthing aluminum. [smilie=i:
Well I'm making progress!

Got all the parts I need and I finished the door and I'm almost done the outer fender.

The new inner fender just needs a good wire brushing and some rockergaurd.

The bumper is not the greatest but it's the best I can find out here.

Bad picture, the door is almost perfect, after I was done with it. :D





I have a question about the replacement header panel.

It's rubber skin over composite frame and covered in little rock chips where the paint is chipped off. What the hell do I do about that?

Will new primer/paint fill those or do I have to sand the shitload of them out?
Are parts cheap, when you can find them, for that thing?

The header was $50, the bumper was $25 the door complete was $50 and both left and right front inner and outer fenders were $75.

To find them was quite hard, there are only 4 R-body cars in the local yards around here within 2 hours and only ONE that the door and fenders were good on. :(

Not to mention they only made the R-body from '79-'81.

Whats the easiest way to remove the paint without sanding the crap out of it?
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No offense intended, but to me those cars are donors for Air-Grabber vacuum canisters (when they have a vacuum canister, it's the same part) and headlamp motors for '70-'72 B-cars.

Still, I own an '81 M-car coupe, so if you're into it I certainly can't knock it. :D
i wonder on that rubber what the easyest and non damageing way of striping the paint is going to most any chemicals are likely to stay in the rubber....ive had GREAT luck with dot 3 for paint removeal on just about every form of plastic and most rubber will disintigrate lense type plastics(turn signals tail lenses model car windows)...but its about the most gental chemical i can think of since HOT watter and dawn will clean it up and out of plastics.....laqure thiner will eat the paint but its going to be slow going
It seems like theres a spot putty kinda stuff that works with the plastic. Soaking yer bits in tide detergent works pretty good at separating that outer layer of petroleum.
Still, I own an '81 M-car coupe, so if you're into it I certainly can't knock it. :D

R and M look related at least the same design team and even thou I no longer have my dearly departed M I still like the designs so I do not choose to knock it. Nice find
Air grabber vacuum canisters eh? They worth money? Is it that tin can thing?

It's just for emissions anyways from what I can tell.

As for my headlight motor I kinda need it since it's the only one I have outta 5 that works. :D

DOT 3 brake fluid eh? I would never had guessed, so it can completely washed off and it won't soak in?
problem is i dont know if it will soak in on that type of rubber and it may be slow going......might be best to smeer some on it let it sit for a few hours come bag and rub off what ya can....most painted parts will strip a layer a day under dot3 asumeing there soaking in it

youve got 2 panels so take a chunk off the busted one and soak it over night and see what happens
Well I'm getting closer! :giggedy:





Still not sure what to do with the header panel.

The brake fluid took a very long time with so-so results.

Should I just let the body shop worry about it?

