That's right, we bad.


This space for rent
The weather is picture perfect, 65 degrees, few clouds and nary a breeze. Finishing up the days chores I glance at the shiny wheels and orange paint peeking out from underneath the dusty old sheets where it has rested virually ignored for many a month.

Perhaps I should start it up to blow out the cobwebs? Yes I think I shall.

The ritual begins. First the old sheets are wisked away and tossed in a heap, then click the battery disconnect to on with a crisp snap. The dog is getting anxious now, she retreats to the deck to view through the open doorway what certainly is coming next. I crawl into the belly of the beast from the right side as room in the garage is tight. Peering through the windshield I can see the dog quivering with anticipation, she wants to be closer but knows the resounding thunder about to be released can be bothersome is such a small place...better to wait here till the time comes to roll.

I twist the key and let it crank for a spell to get the oil moving and fuel in the bowls. Here we go I mutter to myself and madly pump the throttle as it comes to life with a roar that can be heard throughout the neighborhood. Hold the tach at 1500 till the temp needle begins to creep then let it settle into a choppy idle. I get out and do a walk around as it warms to operating temp.

Yup, still sounds the same...I stand in the doorway watching as the front bumper and sheet metal quiver and shake from the harmonics produced by the seemingly angry powerplant, the entire car is vibrating it's alive.

Check the temp and watch it settle down to 190 as the thermostat opens and then shut her down. The dog comes wandering in and looks at me seeming to say What, thats it? What do you think? I reply...take it for a ride? She flips out.

Ok, I gotta take that movie back anyhow, good an excuse as any I suppose. ;)

We jump in and idle out of the garage, a small gathering of neighbors are looking on as we back out into the street and someone shouts out "Lets hear it!" I check the dog and she is already leaning against the back of the seat, she knows the drill..lean against it now or get slammed into it later. We slowly roll ahead and scan the area ahead to make sure all are a safe distance and jam the right foot into the secondaries for a quick burst. The tires immediately loose grip and the engine wails leaving jaws gaping and heads nodding in approval. We idle slowly out of the neighborhood, no place for extended highjinx here.

From there we tool through town with the dog hanging her head out the window grinning wildly then stop to return the movie. Then we are off to find a quiet backroad for a more spirited blast, we find a good spot then coast to a near stop. Ready I ask? The dog settles into position and we are off, tires screaming, engine wailing our backsides are thrust into the seats...invigorating indeed.

It's a noisy, rough riding ,creaking, moaning beast of a machine but I still love it. :)
Very, very well written, Beep. I've never been to your house, yet I can picture it exactly. :clap:

The dog I had when we were growing up learned quickly how to behave when riding in my car... he loved the T-tops in my 300, but after a ride or two figured out that the window opening and leaning against the seat was safer. :D

Good stuff!
ha, so far the dog has ridden in the L4 powered dynasty and the hip-happening v-6 caravan. She get's excited and hides in the back seat for passing gear.
If ever she gets a ride in a real car, we'll have to find some fido pampers first.
ha, so far the dog has ridden in the L4 powered dynasty and the hip-happening v-6 caravan. She get's excited and hides in the back seat for passing gear.
If ever she gets a ride in a real car, we'll have to find some fido pampers first.
they make em for bitches in shit..all sizes
Very, very well written, Beep. I've never been to your house, yet I can picture it exactly. :clap:Good stuff!

You took the words right outta my mouth Doc. Beep, you are an EXCELLENT writer!! You should continue this theme and write a book about your "car" exploits. I'd sure read it. Your descriptive talents are wonderful! I'm impressed.......

As for the dog, I suspect she looked somewhat like this?...... :gaga:
Thanks for the props, glad you enjoyed. :)

I certainly don't see myself as a writer but I do find it entertaining expressing my thoughts into printed media.
Sometimes I just put more a little more thought into it before pounding the keys. ;)
Nice write Beeper...enjoyed it....put a whole buncha feelings wrapped into a nice quick read and put a smile on my face to boot..:)

